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Overcoming jealousy

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Ok I need any advice I can get really.

I've been with my gf for 7 months, and it's amazing. I've never loved anyone like this, and to be honest it's really scaring me - I've realised I don't know what I'd do if I lost her. But I cant help thinking that she's going to leave me. I've got little self confidence, so I fail to see why she wouldn't want to be with someone else. She does treat me well, and everyone else always says it's so obvious how much she loves me, but I can't help feeling jealous when she talks about her mate at college. Something makes me think that her mate likes her, and I get funny about them spending time together. However, my gf's just set her mate up with one of our best mates (who I know she'd never hurt) so the sane part of me keeps thinking there's obviously nothing there if she's done that.

She doesn't show her feelings as much as I do, and sometimes she can seem distant. In past relationships that's meant they're cheating on me and we've split up soon after, so I'm scared it'll happen again. When she's drunk she always chats about how much she loves me and never wants to lose me, and how she wants to grow old with me etc etc, I guess I'd just like to hear it when she's sober! She knows I want her to show her feelings more and I think she's trying.


But anyway, how do I stop feelings jealous about her mate, and paranoid that she's going to split up with me? I know I'm being an idiot, and there's probably nothing to worry about. But I need to stop it somehow because it's starting to get me down!

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Unless this is the person is the one that you are going to spend the rest of your life with, you will eventually break up. The important thing isn't to focus on what could or might happen, but to enjoy what you guys have right now. Spend time with her, and otherwise just have a good time, if the end does come then at least you will be able to look bacvk and see that you spent your time loving her instead of worring about the loss

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