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Question for the ladies

David Gevert

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Okay, ladies, what would you think if you were dating a guy, (perhaps three or four dates), and you decided that you wouldn't mind having sex with him, but he told you that he only has sex with women he's in love with, and he hasn't been dating you long enough to know whether he's in love. What would you think of him? Would you break up with him, or would you think it was sweet?


I know many abused people associate love with sex, (i.e., all forms of sex mean that a person loves you), but what about people who associate sex with love (sex has to be a physical expression of romantic love)?

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It really all depends on the female. She may want you!! If you know what i mean. But me, I would honestly see that as a good thing because you would be a real man not just seeking for that one thing!!! (NOT LOVE)

Okay, ladies, what would you think if you were dating a guy, (perhaps three or four dates), and you decided that you wouldn't mind having sex with him, but he told you that he only has sex with women he's in love with, and he hasn't been dating you long enough to know whether he's in love. What would you think of him? Would you break up with him, or would you think it was sweet?


I know many abused people associate love with sex, (i.e., all forms of sex mean that a person loves you), but what about people who associate sex with love (sex has to be a physical expression of romantic love)?

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...I'd propose!


Okay, ladies, what would you think if you were dating a guy, (perhaps three or four dates), and you decided that you wouldn't mind having sex with him, but he told you that he only has sex with women he's in love with, and he hasn't been dating you long enough to know whether he's in love. What would you think of him? Would you break up with him, or would you think it was sweet?


I know many abused people associate love with sex, (i.e., all forms of sex mean that a person loves you), but what about people who associate sex with love (sex has to be a physical expression of romantic love)?

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I guess it depends how you would put it. It might come over as sincere and then it would be a sweet thing or - and that might be depending on how I feel about myself at the moment - it might make me feel undesirable. However me and my boyfriend fell in love head over heel on both sides and we both never regretted to follow our feelings, even though we didnt really know each other when we started going out together, but the feeling was there from day one, that we were right for each other and we are!

Okay, ladies, what would you think if you were dating a guy, (perhaps three or four dates), and you decided that you wouldn't mind having sex with him, but he told you that he only has sex with women he's in love with, and he hasn't been dating you long enough to know whether he's in love. What would you think of him? Would you break up with him, or would you think it was sweet?


I know many abused people associate love with sex, (i.e., all forms of sex mean that a person loves you), but what about people who associate sex with love (sex has to be a physical expression of romantic love)?

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