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Heart Broken


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My boyfriend of two years and I recently broke up. The break up was due to my ignorence. You see my boyfriend went to a party with a bunch of girls and a few days later came down with mono. I, not really thinking, began talking to another boy( I guess revenge. I went a couple of places with this boy but never really felt any strong feelings for him. In fact I let him know I still loved my boyfriend and that we were going to try to stay togehter. When my boyfriend got well he began hearing rumors about me and this guy. My boyfriend would not let me explain nor will he believe anything I say. We have now borken up. The breakup is being very hard on me. I sit around thinking about him, crying, and trying to get him back. I am practically begging for his forgiveness. He can't realize I made a mistake and that I want to only be with him. I would do anything to get him back. Do you have any advice on what I should do. I feel as if though i can not live without him, yet he says he hates me. I don't understand how he could turn against me without even hearing my side of things. How do you mend a totaly broken heart? Any suggestions on how to get him back? I need him in my life very badly. Or should I get with the other guy? I really need help and very fast it is really getting me down.

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hope that your feeling better i believe i understand how ur feeling, because i made a similar mistake with my ex,But now im beging to think it was 4 the best because if i acted like that with her after only a couple of month of living together,i began to find her at the local bar and i


heared that she was fooling around with another guy so i told her to move back home with her family , all i can say take ur time if he truly loves u he'll come back



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