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About This Girl

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There is this girl who i like. Im pretty sure she likes me as well. She stares at me and give me nice compliments.She tells me that i have beutiful eyes and my hair looks good. The problem is she has a boyfriend. They show not a single bit of affection for each other. Today seemed different for some reason. She was staring at me so i decided to look up and stare back. We went for about 5 secs then she looked away and her face was red. This is where the wierd stuff starts happening, for the rest of the class she looked like she was about to cry. I didnt understand why all of a sudden she looked like she was ginna cry? She never spoke for the rest of the class after that.

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whats wrong with me

best thing to do? talk to her shy boy!!! instead of having a staring contest catch up with her after class...walk her to her next class. A few words might tell you what you need to know.

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that's a sure sign she likes or she has affection in you

it's probably the case where her boyfriend doesnt let her go

you said that her boyfriend doesnt show any affection right?

she probably want you but doesnt know what to do

I predict that near future she will bond to you and very possibly dump her boyfriend to be with you;)

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