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Does My Sex Buddy Co-Worker Want More?

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I started out as friends with a co-worker, but I always felt some chemistry between us. We talked casually about a business he was getting into, sometimes talking on the phone after work. One day at work he asked me if I drank. I don't drink much, as I told him, but he offered to hang out with me. We were supposed to relax, watch a few movies, and have a few drinks at my place. Needless to say, we ended up having sex. Although the sex was good, he kept his distance in that he did not kiss me passionately. If I tried to kiss him he reciprocated with a little peck. We continued to talk, txt each other after the first incident and we see each other every day at work. A few days later we had sex again, only this time he made it clear that he only wanted sex. I was disappointed, but I told him I wasn't mad at him. We continued to talk at work but we haven't talked much outside of work and we haven't had sex again (although it's only been a few days).


My question is, is there any way this guy could have more feelings for me? At work I feel him looking at me often. Also, one day I stepped out of the lunchroom and he purposely sat across from me, but he was nervous the whole time, fidgeting with his food and his plate. He also hung around the lunchroom later than usual (he usually leaves before me), and then when others left the room he made casual conversation with me. He also often agrees with/backs up what I say. I don't know much about his romantic situation, except that he's single and has a young child that lives in another state with his mother. The mother is attending school so I don't know if the plan is for her to return.


Should I do anything or think anything will become of this, or should I just leave it alone. It hasn't really become awkward yet, but I'm thinking if we remain in limbo like this I may want to change jobs.

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