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Is he cheating?

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I'm in a LDR of 4 years with my boyfriend and don't get to see him but every 4 months or so. He said he had one condom left for us, and I said, " why? we had a whole big box the last time I was there, sweetheart?" and he said well i threw some of them away thinking they were old, just in case. But don't worry, we can just buy more.We bought them a month and a half ago! THe last time I was there..

They don't expire for like 2 years, he KNOWS that! He is the one that told me! But he keeps ONE that we bought in a diff. type of the SAME DAY? It just doesn't make any sense to me, I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks that. Is he cheating? or did he actually " throw them away?"...

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Wake up and smell the coffee as the saying goes....


I hate to be the one to tell you this but he is cheating, thats too odd and doesnt make much sense....


Does he have flat mates? they could have used them but if they did he would have just said that.


Im sorry hun but it sounds to me like this guy is cheating....


Ask him outright and see what he says else you will drive yourself insane.


Good luck and hugs x

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ummm im really sorry to say this. but it sounds like hes cheating on you..


my ex oh my days he was doign weird things that was small put to much of a give away.. i.e like your boyfriend. i mean how did your boyfriend no the condoms was out of date hunny do you think he sat down one night and randomly looked through them babe?? im sorry hunny but if hes a cheat.. just walk away your worth alot more. x lisa x

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The only thing that would be even more evidence would be if you found a bunch of used condoms in his trash. Why would he have just one condom left? If he bought them together, they'd all have the same expiration date. He'd throw them all out, wouldn't he? Your boyfriend is both a cheater and really stupid. sorry.



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