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woot asked her out.. kinda

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finally I grabbed my guts and asked her out with a couple of friends to hang out somewhere. I suggested starbucks and she said that she doesn't drink coffee, and I don't want to take her anywhere she doesn't want to go, so I let her decide. even though she did not want to go to starbucks, her words told me that she was interested in going somewhere with me.

on her first reply, she was little concerned about who we were going with but on the next 2, she seems to have forgot about inviting other people, and I was happy about that:D

maybe she is interested in formally going out with me in private


I know you guys are more experienced than me, and I wanted your expert comments and advices


thanks alot for taking time to read this or even to write a reply

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I would just go with the flow of things... If she has not changed any of the plans then she fine with things... Since she never mentioned about other people coming... That is basically a huge hint that she want's you all to herself. Make the best of it... Good luck... I know it will all work out for you!

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finally I grabbed my guts and asked her out with a couple of friends to hang out somewhere. I suggested starbucks and she said that she doesn't drink coffee, and I don't want to take her anywhere she doesn't want to go, so I let her decide. even though she did not want to go to starbucks, her words told me that she was interested in going somewhere with me.

on her first reply, she was little concerned about who we were going with but on the next 2, she seems to have forgot about inviting other people, and I was happy about that:D

maybe she is interested in formally going out with me in private


I know you guys are more experienced than me, and I wanted your expert comments and advices


thanks alot for taking time to read this or even to write a reply


You ask her out the first time, always have something planned on where to go, girls hate indecisive guys.

if so then go 1on1 with her. when a girl prefers to be with just you, then she wouldnt want anyone else in the picture.

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