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I hate playing games

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Why do people play games? I hate them. They make things so much more complicated and add drama. Yet I've founf myself unknowingly doing the same...


ill give the back story quickly. I became friends with this guy. We got close, I developed feelings. He started going back out with his ex girlfriend. I was hurt so I told him I had feelings for him. We remained friends but then started hooking up secretly. We've slept together a few times. We also work at the same place.

Things started getting akward because I was becoming too sensative with the relationship. And he noticed, and began to back off. I'd want to hang out and he never could, supposedly. So seeing this I felt the need to back off from him. Its hard because we work @ the same place. I use to go over and visit his dept when I was off for hours and just joke, say hi as I walked by, take our breaks and lunches together. But that all started to stop. So I pulled back and only visited him rarely because when I did he seemed distant...


But once I start backing off he comes on stronger, and asks me why I don't come say hi anymore.

He asked me again yesterday. Why was I ignoring him, iwhy don't I come over and talk to him like I use to, or am not being the same. I told him because he doesn't talk to me when I do and he denied it.


What should I do? I want to be myself and be around him, but when I do I fel like I'm pushing it on him, and he becomes distant. When I don't he complains.

Why do people play games like this??? Why can't u just show someone u like being around them without playing hard to get?

Help! Some advice and opinions would help a lot! Thanku!!!

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So lets see he sexes you and his girlfriend with whom he cheats on both of you.


What a charm !


Do you really need to ask what you should do here ?

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Yeah this is really a no brainer. He has feelings for you but they only come around when he wants to f**k. He's in a relationship with another girl in which he is doing the same. Do you think you deserve to be a secret? He's obviously coming back around becuase he knows he can get things he wants from you, he misses the sex. Why give yourself up like that to him? My advice would be to BE hard to get (notice I didn't say play, becuase when you do that your just lying to yourself and it can bring you to be even more attached), don't spend any time thinking about him until he's ready to stop playing his games.

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Hi Elisabeth,


Honestly, I think you and your "so-called" friend need some help. You are asking for our opinions, when you should really be embarrased to admit in your post that you're after a guy who has a GF. Tell me, how do you think this girl feels right now? I'll bet you could care less, honestly. So I'm going to try again, but reverse things. How would YOU feel if you and this guy went out, yet he's sleeping with some other chick who's desperately after HIM?


Depending on your level of interest in this guy, something should have just clicked in your head from the ABOVE question. Yet, fall in love and marry him - only to learn that after about 10yrs of marriage, he's out fycking your best friend. Honestly, we're on a different subject now based on your rediculous post. I just really feel sorry for that girl who's probably at home planning a future marriage [in her head], while her BF is half-heartedly after someone else. I hope you are sensitive enough to get my drift and work on SELF B4 asking for advice. 1

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Hi Elisabeth,


Honestly, I think you and your "so-called" friend need some help. You are asking for our opinions, when you should really be embarrased to admit in your post that you're after a guy who has a GF. Tell me, how do you think this girl feels right now? I'll bet you could care less, honestly. So I'm going to try again, but reverse things. How would YOU feel if you and this guy went out, yet he's sleeping with some other chick who's desperately after HIM?


Depending on your level of interest in this guy, something should have just clicked in your head from the ABOVE question. Yet, fall in love and marry him - only to learn that after about 10yrs of marriage, he's out fycking your best friend. Honestly, we're on a different subject now based on your rediculous post. I just really feel sorry for that girl who's probably at home planning a future marriage [in her head], while her BF is half-heartedly after someone else. I hope you are sensitive enough to get my drift and work on SELF B4 asking for advice. 1

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Harsh. But ok. I'm not embarrased. Its truth. I had feelings for him b4 he started going out with her again. Yes its wrong. I kknow that. But I can't help the way I feel at this moment.

And I can't fix what's wrong with their relationship. I've gone long enough always thinking of others, and not myself. I'm going after something I want, wrong or whatever.

My post is not as you say ridiculious. Its what I'm going through and I was looking for the advice of people willing to help me.

If I was with him and he cheated on me I'd know there was something missing, or he wasn't happy, try to fix it or ultimatly we shouldn't be together. But either way what's going on in their relationship is not mine to fix. And I can't help them, I can only worry about what's going on with myself and with what I can do about myself and him. It may seem like I'm taking no responsibility for it. Maybe that's the case. But the point of this post was to seek advice on my problems, not his gf.

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I mean seriously love is blind, you know ?


Think about it OP : He is placing his penile member in 2 girls at the same time and you are one of them....How can that possibly make you feel good and right and wanting to go after something that isn't even yours ?


And even if he was yours ...who the heck would want a cheater. ??


You Do realize and I emphasize * DO * realize that when he does ( if ever ) get with you he is going to repeat cheat ?


You know that right ?


After all he has no qualms about having intercourse with 2 chicks and caring about NEITHER of their feelings.


I wish you cared more about YOURSELF because doing this is destructive to YOU and HER. He will continue to seek:p new snatch...


Shows you at what level he operates .

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To everyone that replied, I want to say that... You all gave good advice. Harsh but straight to the point. I liked that.


"NO Pain, No Game" ;)

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Hi Elisabeth,


Tell me, how do you think this girl feels right now? I'll bet you could care less, honestly. So I'm going to try again, but reverse things. How would YOU feel if you and this guy went out, yet he's sleeping with some other chick who's desperately after HIM?



computer, i agree


elisabeth you need to leave the guy alone. if he had the same feelings for you in return, he would be with you and not his ex. you say you have strong feelings for him but how do you think his gf feels.shes the one in the relationship putting her trust in this guy, and you dont even care. in the first part of your thread you say you dont want any drama, well in this situation you are only causing drama. (dont get me wrong, so is he) . and you say you dont like when people play games, well as long as he is with his gf he is playing games with you. apparently you like playin games cuz that is exactly what is going on here. if you were with him you wouldnt want him messin around with noone else.


i think you need to walk away from him and the situation. bottom line is, he has a gf, he is not with you nor does he want to be becuase he would have made that move when you told him you had feelings.


You are causing drama and are one of the main players in the game goin on, which i recall are two things you admitted that you DO NOT LIKE when people do.


i think the answer is right in front of you. if you have true feelings for him, then i seriously doubt you wanna stick around and get hurt specially since it seems he just wants sex from you and nothing else. get over him and spend your time finding someone else. messin around with other peoples men is not the answer at all!!

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And Plus, as soon as you dump him, he is going to find another girl to sex up behind his girlfriends back.


Playa loves multiple action !

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