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Off topic : How should the U.S respond??


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It has been said that this is much worst than Pearl harbor.


We, Americans, are not stupid, just ignorant, and don't want to claim any responsiblity that might have led to this devastating event. Now Israel will feel that they can go and totally obliterate Pasletine. We live in sheltered environment where we don't care what happens to the small poor countries as long as we don't see it or hear about it. We can't imagine that this has happened to us and usually happen to the "others" in some poor-slob country who has a K-mart but no running water/electricity- Hey, but as long as we have our haagen-daz ice cream and our butts on the AC, who cares?


It's utterly disgusting.


I was in the supermarket this morning and over heard some big beefy guy saying that someone will have to pay hard foR this . That's what it's all about isn't it? U.S will know start bombing and we'll be hated even more. When will we start to wake up and try to resolve this without these tragic measures? Americans needs to wake up and do something about his and not think by giving away our SS money to fend off these "dirty Arabs"


What do you think for this events? should our contry drop this big one??

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It's not what I think of these events, it's what I think of your logic. It's warped. Don't quit your day job and please stay out of politics and diplomacy.


God Bless You and God Bless America.

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I have a feeling you don't live in NYC...

It's not what I think of these events, it's what I think of your logic. It's warped. Don't quit your day job and please stay out of politics and diplomacy. God Bless You and God Bless America.
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No, I don't live in New York but I do live in the United States, a land based on the dictates of law. We do not indiscriminately drop bombs on countries in retaliation for things that happen to us. We conduct thorough, rational investigations through intelligence and diplomatic channels and confirm our findings before we sling bombs toward foreign lands.


I really don't like New York...way too expensive, way too crowded, and I'm not all that fond of David Letterman. But I did love "Sleepless in Seattle" and I think the observation deck of the Empire State Building might be a great place for a clandestine first meeting.

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...my response was to "Discussion." It seemed to me Discussion was flippant in his observations.

No, I don't live in New York but I do live in the United States, a land based on the dictates of law. We do not indiscriminately drop bombs on countries in retaliation for things that happen to us. We conduct thorough, rational investigations through intelligence and diplomatic channels and confirm our findings before we sling bombs toward foreign lands. I really don't like New York...way too expensive, way too crowded, and I'm not all that fond of David Letterman. But I did love "Sleepless in Seattle" and I think the observation deck of the Empire State Building might be a great place for a clandestine first meeting.
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Sorry. In the context of the format of this board you replied directly under my post.


Always reply directly under the post which you are replying to and there will be no mistake. If you read your post that I was replying to above, you will see a copy of my post below the text of your comments.


I am glad you made the clarification.


Please be around friends and supportive people today. My condolences go with you...I understand your lost and how you feel at this time.

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