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What's up with my girlfriend's mind??


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She won't tell me if she's also seeing other guys. Yet she seems to be single and is able to go out with me from time to time, including weekends. But when we're on the phone, she'll always hang me up when she's got a call waiting or when her mobile rings. i'm always not on the top list in terms of her priority (at least that's my feelings)


She would accept valuable gifts from me, and allow me to pay all the dinner we've had together. I know you guys might think she's materialistic, but then she also knows I'm not rich (in fact, I'm broke these days..). I'm not saying I'm unwilling to pay or anything, just that as far as I know, she's not the type of girls who would take advantage of guys- at least that the impression I have when I first knew her. Now, that even makes more confused.


We were actually couples to years ago before she broke my heart the first time. All these years, I cannot truely fall for another girl. And then, I didn't quite remember what happened, we started to see each other again, but all the time, she would keep a distance from me, sometimes chatting happily with me, while sometimes being so indifferent that makes my heart achea very much.


My heart is bleeding...It's like a drug.


What should I do???

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This lady is NOT your girlfriend and she doesn't care much about you. You're something to do in between going out and using other guys.


You don't know this chick at all. If you're talking to her on the phone and another guy calls her from whom she gets much more, she drops your calls immediately to take the other guy's call. You are a great big wimp to put up with that from anybody.


If you are talking to a lady you are dating and she gets a call from another guy and takes it, ending her conversation with you, end your relationship with her.


This girl's a user big time. I've seen these so often. She goes out with you when nothing better appears.


Your self esteem must be zero if you're willing to be around a lady who treats you so indifferently. Don't you think you deserve better????????????????????????

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