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Asthma attack while running!

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Well since it was such a nice day today, I thought I would go out for a quick jog. Well I got about 500 metres down the road and started having an asthma attack. I had asthma about 4 years ago when I was overweight but after having lost all the weight and being in great physical condition (atleast I though I was) I thought I was over it. I havn't run outside since last fall but I've been running on a treadmill over the winter and I have no problems going for 30, 40 even 60 minutes without having any breathing problems what so ever. My legs usually give out first. I'm a pretty big guy 6' and 210 pounds. I have no problems with breathing while lifting weights or biking. Why would this happen? Is it that more difficult to run than it is to run on a treadmill? Should I see my doctor or should I see if I can work it out by running outside more rather than on a treadmill? Has anyone else had problems with asthma that they've gotten over through exercise?

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kitten chick

Oh I've been through this! I figured it had to do with the time of year and my allergies aggravating my asthma. I'm allergic to grass and tree pollens. Do you have any allergies maybe? I also find that I'll be a little wheezy if it's not warm enough out when I exercise outside.

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ive had asthma for ten years now and mne is triggered when the weather changes abruptly, which is terrible since i live in NE. lol but f the temperature changed, youre asthma may have been reacting to that.


i go to the gym and i can run my socks off, i can breathe in all the dust i want and nothing happens. but if it goes from cold to hot quickly im down for the count....like right now. im dying.

lol hope that kind of helped

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lol hope that kind of helped


Actually it did. After yours and kitten chicks posts I did some reasearch and found that colder air is actually a common trigger for asthma. Thanks girls, I guess i'll keep to the treadmill until summer arrives. :cool:


Thanks again

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yea, what they said. Asthma is actually an alergic reaction. Sometime cold or dry air is enough to set it off. Other times it needs something else, like an allergin (pollen, cat hair, ect..)


I had been fighting this problem for a while. Finally I went to my doc and was perscribed Singulair which is a once daily tablet I take and it keeps everything under control. Since I've been on the meds, I have been able to run and workout even in conditions that I would have been dieing in normally, without a problem.

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kitten chick

Singulair has worked well for me also. I don't have as many accute asthma attacks as I used to. In fact, I haven't had one in a long time, however, I also know better now when I need to stop pushing myself to stave off an attack.


On a mildly related note, I pulled a bunch of muscles doing interval training yesterday. I'm getting back into working out after a few weeks off with Bronchitis. It kept me awake last night and advil isn't helping. Anyone have any suggestions for healing and/or pain relief?

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ice, ice, ice and more ice. Which muscles did you pull?


When I come back from a hard run like that, I fill the tub with cold water and soak my lower body in it for 15 to 20 minutes. First 2 minutes are pure screaming hell, but then you go numb and it actually feels quite nice.


Then after I get out, if I still have some sore spots, I fill a ziplock with ice, and ice down the area for a while. Next day I make sure to stretch it out really well and keep icing and stretching until it's better. Just make sure to let it heal before pushing it hard again. If you keep working an injury, it will never heal.


another trick is to fill a dixie cup and freeze it. Then peel off the bottom and use it to massage the area. Works great for shin splints.

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kitten chick

Yeah it's pretty bad. I had to come straight home from work today because of it. The ball and socket that connect my legs to my hips grew twisted so I have a tendency to pull my hip and/or groin muscles. This time it was pretty bad though, I pulled my groin this time. You know I knew about the tub of ice water because I dated a marathon runner but I didn't even think of it for myself. :rolleyes: Doh! I like Biofreeze for my shin splints, it's similar to the ben gay type products. I would definitely not put it on my groin. :eek: I've been stretching but it's not helping too much. I guess I'll try ice now although it might be too late.

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I don't know if it will do the same thing for you, but when I first started running I had problems straining some muscles in my hips. I finally figured out running wasn't working the secondary muscles used for balance enough to strengthen them, but was over stressing them. I picked up yoga once a week and the combination of stretching, improved flexibility and strengthening of core and balance muscles stopped the problem.

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kitten chick

Thanks MattB. I'm pretty flexible so this (and my ankles) are the only muscles I usually strain. (I had a badly sprained ankle in college that never quite went back to what it was). I used to do Pilates which I've been meaning to pick back up for a while that at least for me does a better job at increasing core strength. It's a good suggestion. I should push myself to get back into it once I'm able to walk again. I swear I must have looked like a penguin waddling around all day in the office. You're a wealth of information, thanks. :)

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I heard a long time ago to do lots of toe taps every day to prevent shin splints. Just while sitting at your desk or watching tv, tap your toes, lifting them high, and then back and forth. It strengthens the ligaments in the shin. I have done this for about 15 years, and the only time I had shin splints was when I got back into running after having my kids- and not having done the toe taps for a while.


And as for sitting in a tub filled with cold water, that gave me a heart attack just imagining... lol... you are one brave person.

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