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Myspace Trouble or Just Paranoid?

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My boyfriend added a girl who has about a thousand friends (but she lives in a town about an hour away) and she left a comment on one of his pics (which I clearly left one saying 'that's my baby ;)' ) and he left one on her saying 'you look pretty cute in this picture'. she had boob pics and everything else but he didn't comment on those. he's been really sweet lately and I have no real reason to doubt him, am I just being stupid? by the way has anyone else experienced myspace angst? it can be the devil sometimes, I swear...thanks for the help. I just need some reassurance and I don't want to make an ass of myself to him.

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I think you exagerate. I have a profile on my space, and my husband too. Actually what I do is to keep in touch with my friends and talk to new people. It doesn't mean that I am going to meet someone of myspace or that I am cheating on my husband. I don't think you should worry about that. Jelousy should start where in your opion the partner is not faithful. For me, cheating starts with a kiss. So it's up to you. If I were you get an account (its for free) at my space and start surfing around profiles, there is a lot of funny stuff do discover.

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myself..i don't know what to think about myspace...i have one and i helped my boyfriend redo his...mine has friends and some adds..his is nothing but highschool girls and whores...I trust him..but someone got a myspace in my family and found me and saw him and when they opened it up ..they were totally disgusted..now they don't trust him...i do..i know how he is with me when we are alone and together out...He told me when we first started dating..that he didn't want me involved with his party life...so alot of weekends i am alone working and he is out with his friends partying..I know there are alot of girls at the parties and he says they are friends,...and that alot of his friends are girls..thing is my parents were leaving my apt one night and saw him leaving his with a friend..arm around her neck and he gave her a goodbye kiss..my parents freaked..he does owe them money and has been wanting to move when his lease is up..about 2 hours away..i want to support him..my parents say it won't work..he is used to partying too much and it will get old..I am in college..he's not...he has alot of financial problems and it has kinda put me in the hole..and he owes my parents alot of money..that is why they are upset..I don't think the myspace is bad..he says the girls on there are mostly whores..some of them i work with..and have seen in their posts from a few months back that they want to do him..I trust him and he is my best friend..this is the first guy i have felt this way about...why can't i get my family to see this too..I sometimes do hate myspace..

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I have a myspace as well, I know how it can get on there lol! Just tell him you don't feel comfortable with him flirting with girls on there and you would like him to tone down with what he may say and hopefully they will get the idea too!

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oh.... finally someone else !!!


I have removed my MySpace and my BF has too...the site made me ill.... although i met my bf on there :confused: ... comment from our friends were causing so much stress, mainly on my part as I assumed he was hooking up with them all.. but he wasnt and I know that now.... in all honesty... keep the page open to people u know etc.... or just delete it... honestly it cuts out the suspicion.

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