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Can men really NOT want sex?


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I have been seeing my b/f for awhile. We dated for a yr & moved in together 2 yrs ago. We used to be sex fanatics and since we had a long distance relationship the 1st yr, we saw each other on the weekends and did it twice every weekend. After we moved in together we fought all the time. 2 months later he admitted he wanted to cheat on me. A month after that he f***ed another girl in our apt while I was back home visiting my family who lives across the state. I have forgiven him, but everyday I still live with it even though it happened awhile ago now. After it happened I wanted sex all the time, which is no different than normal, but he was turning me down. Even now, I'm lucky if I get it once a week and guys ITS NOT ME DENYING IT! I'm the one who wants it but he turns me down. Is there a problem? He tells me he is too tired from his classes and work. That doesnt stop me. Is it normal for a man to lose his libido and NOT the woman? I mean sure sometimes I'm tired too but I always give in when he wants it and enjoy it anyway. If he gives in to me I'm pushy and he gets pissed at me. I am doing something wrong? I know he likes it when I'm assertive but I ALWAYS have to initiate sex with him. Even if he wants it. He doesnt because he thinks I'll get mad at him and because he prefers a woman chase him but god-d##nit I would like to feel like I'm still attractive, sexy and appealing to him. Is it my fault he's like this?

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Is it normal for a man to

lose his libido and NOT the woman?

Yeah, I've been wondering the same question myself lately. A friend of mine has been dating a guy for nearly two months. He had a fantastic sex life with his ex girlfriend (we know this because the ex is a friend of mine who moved to the opposite coast half a year ago for work, thus the break-up. She used to regale me with tales of the nature & frequency of their bedroom explorations). But he is actually UNABLE (not unwilling, apparently) to have sex with his new girl. They've tried, he just can't. I don't really know what to say to her except to just have patience and not make a big deal about it with him. They seem to get along well enough, I've met them for drinks a couple of times. He seems quite eager to pursue the relationship but somehow it seems strange given the lack of sex, his known proclivities and her eagerness -- doesn't it? I don't know. Guys? Is it normal to pursue a girl you're not particularly aroused by?

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