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Well...What do we have here???

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Long story real short...



BF of 2 years cleans out papers. He proceeds to throw them in the trash. You look at paper. In his handwriting you see a note that says:

Do you have a condom at your house?

and he didnt write it to you.......

What would you think??

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Could be so many things. I'm not really sure it's anything to worry about. Ask if you want, but he's throwing it away and didn't try to hide it, I'm guessing it's nothing.

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I'm assuming you know for sure the note was not meant for you. If you're sure it wasn't, then I think its safe to say what it was and that it must have been meant for someone else. Hard to say why he threw it away. Possibly he was thinking of sending it to another person and didn't go through with it. Might be too that he was careless on his part to throw it away in the trash thinking maybe no one would find it. You could always take the note to him and ask him about it, or you could lay low and see what else, if anything is going on.







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Long story real short...



BF of 2 years cleans out papers. He proceeds to throw them in the trash. You look at paper. In his handwriting you see a note that says:

Do you have a condom at your house?

and he didnt write it to you.......

What would you think??


I would definitely question it. Who is he writing to and why does he care if this person has a condom? How come you didn't ask him?

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okay, to add in a few more details.....


he apparently didnt know it was even written there, as it was on an inside flap, written on a piece of junk mail.


When I showed it to him, he denied it even said "condom" instead, choosing to switch the word around and then threw it away. When I brought it up he said I was confused, that it was a different word. Asked him where he threw it away, he lied and told me a different trash can.


Didnt think I would check, but I did. Found it torn up in a million different pieces. Picked out the word "condom" and showed it to him. He took it from me, and took a pen, scribbled over the word so it couldnt be read, and wrote a different word under it.



As far as overreacting is concerned, and not intending to give it to anyone, that is ridiculous.....it could so obviously mean that he wrote it to a girl at a bar, wherever and slid it over for her to see...or in his car or where the F ever......

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kitten chick

I would question it as well. I think he was just careless in discarding the evidence. Then again it might be nothing. I doubt if you ask him and he is cheating that he will tell you the truth so I would just keep your eyes open for more signs.

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and not that it means much but the word condom was underlined as if to annunciate the meaning....

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Other than this note, how has your relationship with him been lately? is there any other indications on your end that he might be doing something or looking into something he shouldn't be doing?







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Yes, of course he has been acting differenty....the usual things, distant emotionally and otherwise, not spending time with me, weird phone calls, disappearing acts, but he himself is a WALKING CONTRADICTION and always has been since we first started this mess.


Saying one thing, doing another, me constantly playing Magnum PI only to find out that the clues run cold, or it was really nothing after all...and I mean SUSPICIOUS things, not small, inconsequential things.....and I find out at the end that there was a valid reason....crazy making, basically...


But oh how he says he loves me...says all the right things.....promises on his life, says he doesnt remember where the letter came from...to his credit, the note does look pretty worn but that can happen to any paper that has been sitting in one spot for a long period of time....


I have been ignoring him because it hurts so much to think that I might not be that crazy after all.....that he might in fact be carrying on something behind my back.....


What now???!!

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I should also mention that this was the first time that he couldnt talk himself out of it......but he sure tried hard, i mean come on!! actually scribbling out the real word and putting in a different word??? jjjeeeezzz.....I think I am dealing with someone that is obviously a lot smarter and craftier than others give him credit for.....

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I would say break up with him, only cause it seems like he has done nothing but play games with you. My best friend dated someone that was a liar, it wasn't always about anything important, but it made her distrust anything he ever said, and in the end, trust is what a relationship is built on.


Dump the guy and find someone that isn't going to play games

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I should also mention that this was the first time that he couldnt talk himself out of it......but he sure tried hard, i mean come on!! actually scribbling out the real word and putting in a different word??? jjjeeeezzz.....I think I am dealing with someone that is obviously a lot smarter and craftier than others give him credit for.....



that sounds neither smart nor crafty. it sounds like he is making a joke out of it and trying to get you to just get over it. if he actually thinks he could fool you with that, than he must believe you're pretty gullible.

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