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...to be a little upset? I found text messages between my bf and a guy coworker of his talking about this cute blonde girl that was cashiering at their work. My bf told the coworker what her name was and said "I want". His coworker got her # for him, but when I confronted my bf about it, he says he doesn't really want it. The coworker even asked my bf about me and if we broke up and my bf said "no, but whatever. he's a guy". Also said somewhere in there, "tell her the cute blonde guy says hi". whatever!!! would it be wrong of me to email this coworker about this? what do I say? it kinda sounds like the coworker got the number for himself now, but I'm offended my bf disrespected me like that. He says it was a joke. nothing serious and she doesn't even work at his location. what do I do? he's very affectionate and loving, but then I found this. why do guys feel the need for this kind of behavior? Is it to boost their own ego or what?

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It's got nothing to do with the coworker, why would you email her? It's not her responsibility to be honest and faithful, it's his. She asked about you, so she doesn't want to get involved with a cheater, smart girl. I would dump this jerk.

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No, not the girl. His guy friend is the coworker that he was texting back and forth with about another coworker(the girl). I meant should I email the guy who was trying to get it for him to see what he says?

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okay...but what do I do about this? We've been rocky for a while now and he says he'll never hurt me or cheat on me. I've tried breaking up with him before because I saw no other way, but decided to keep at it. then I saw this and almost broke up with him this morning. but he never wants to. don't you think if a guy had others to go to if he and I didn't work or if he really wanted to be with someone else or cheat, he would of just given in already and said fine...lets break up? I just don't understand his need for playing along with this guy about getting this girls number. he never got it and said he'd tell the guy he doesn't want it if he actually tries to give it to him. I guess I just thought I'd email this guy to see if my bf really wanted the number for himself or if they were just being guys and goofing. also, you'd think he'd be sure to delete those text messages seeing how he knows i've looked in his phone before. if he had something to hide, he would of, don't ya think? I just don't understand why he would do that when at the same time he was sending me text messages saying he loved me and missed me, yet he was doing this whole girls number thing on the side. I know I shouldn't look in his phone, but sh*t like this makes me want to.

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I think that if you have a reason to believe that the person is cheating, then chances are they are (if you are willing to go those types of lenghts to find out).


Even if they aren't, then you still don't trust the person and either way its better if you break up

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"I saw this and almost broke up with him this morning. but he never wants to. "

You don't need his permission to break up with him.

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His buddy isn't going to tell you if your BF really wanted the number. He's going to tell your BF that you emailed him and tell you exactly what the BF tells him to say.


If you have a funny feeling, you're probably on the money with it. Trust your gut.

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