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Who to choose

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:confused: Well Im new to this. So I just lay it out last year my fiance became incarcerated.:( He got sentenced to 2 years. When he asked my choice, I chose to stay. Well his time is almost up. Only one problem my ex from the 12th grade got released around October of last year we never officially broke it off we just decieded I don't call you, you don't call me. So we got to hanging out and stuff then I cheated. Now I have to tell my fiance but don't know how. Well neddless to say my then ex now boyfriend knows about my fiance. I think I may be pregnant, and he dosen't treat me like my fiance did. All though my fiance said that he would help me raise a child that was not his I am scared of the reaction from my biyfriend who I don't want to be with anymore! Even more afraid of loosing my fiance who I love with everything in me!:D I was willing to throw away something that means everything, for something worth nothing.:(
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I really don't know what the best thing to do is but I have to say one thing. You've been involved with at least 2 ex-cons and even cheated on one of them? You've got more cajones than I ever will and I've got a lot. Wow.



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last year my fiance became incarcerated.:( He got sentenced to 2 years....problem my ex from the 12th grade got released



is this a joke????

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Im going to side with Maddog here, you are playing with a whole lot of fire there.

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Citizen Erased

So they have both been in jail, and you're engaged to one and the other is your boyfriend... I'd have to say to choose neither. Take a pregnancy test, tell your fiance and boyfriend that you cheated and may/may not be pregnant and see how fast they both run. Look at your options and stop hooking up with criminals, unless you like that sort of thing, but it is NOT a good environment for a child to grow up with having to hear that 'daddy is away' constantly.

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Well I take into consideration everything you guys have said. But me and my fiance were truely in love. He did what he did becuase he was trying to take care of his family & me. He was only 18 trying to bear the weight of this world, now Im not condoning what he did he was wrong for the choice he made. I was ridding with him then I am going to ride with him now! Now as far as the ex I was upset at being alone and he was there. Plain and simple. Now I don't want to be with him because my fiance is a stand up dude he will be with me not matter what. So thanks for the feedback. I needed to hear it from someone else other than my mother.

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You cheated.. its not going to work. I suggest going on the Jerry Springer show ASAP.



"Jerry Jerry Jerry!"

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if you loved your fiance as much as you claim to you wouldn't have cheated in the first place. Being alone is no excuse, you should have waited if you promised to wait.

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Well. Yes, cheating was wrong of you. But you know that, and I'm not going to tell you what you already know.


Although I doubt the strength of love you hold for him, I think that if you want to be with him, then be with him. Hell, tell him you were raped. ;)

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