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I Think I shouldnt have...

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I feel like I did a stupid thing. My bf like worships me, loves me head to toe and is so faithful and loyal. We live in a LDR though.


Today his friend got a new job and they wanted to go out and celebrate. His friend is new to the area and I suggested (in a jokingly way) that they go to Hooters! My bf actually went for the idea and I couldnt believe it. Hes like yeah my friend got excited abt it so we're gonna go there. Normally my bf would have been like No or I wont go there coz I love you. But when hes with this guy its like he acts like immature, he acts less affectionate with me. As if im not his gf. i dont really care that he goes there because i KNOW he adores me. But what I didnt realise is that he is still going to LOOK. And he may even comment about it later while we are on the phone which may make me more insecure and less trusting.

The stupid thing is IM THE ONE that told him to go in the first place. Its almost like im setting myself up to get hurt or put a sign on him that says im single. Has any of you girls ever played this stupid game.. of trying to test your bf or push him away to see what he does so you can use it against him later? I feel terrible... Its like i should be CONFIDENT enough to know that Im the hottest girl for him otherwise he wouldnt be with me an make so many sacrifises. Then I suggest stupid things like hooters and say i dont care if u go to strip clubs (even though i DO care) ..ugh



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I wouldn't be to worried about going to Hooters, heck many women go and eat there (I hear they have good wings but never been near one to give it a shot)


The thing is that no matter WHERE he goes he is going to look, just like you are going to look, its a matter though of looking and not touching. You can't really expect someone to go the rest of their lives with blinders on, even if its a celebrety you are still going to find other people attractive.


I think that you say you have confidence but I think you really need to be honest with yourself so you can work past the fact that you do indeed lack it if you are worried about this

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Ugh Seriously, girls/women need to realize that if a guy is going out with you, its okay for him to look at other women.. its tottaly healthy and good for the relationship. Trust me, he might make a small comparison in his mind but for sure if he loves you it will be YOU > ANY GIRL.. Period.


You girls with these troubles need to stop with your insecurities.. seriously its a really big turnoff when someone is jealous, this is whats going to cause you to break up if you don't stop!


Hooters? thats not even a strip club.. I took my gf there for wings b4.. no big deal.. whatever. At the time she was my gf, I was faithful, and only sexually/emotionally connected to her, the other things like Hooters or a strip joint is basically entertainment.. something you do for fun with your guy friends, just chill, laugh at what these girls will do to get their way through school, and also make some of those lonely pervert geek guys.


So seriously, its ok for a guy to do this, its just natural, I think its a little bit un-natural to do it when their single b/c then it might not be "entertainment" you might get something else out of it, whcih IMO isn't good.

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