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Should I continue with the relationship?


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i've been dating around three months is this 25yo girl i met in disco. She claims to be an only child of a wealthy family. She works in the family business as a marketing exec, travels with a posse of 5-7 first class on business to NY, Paris, London, Milan frequently (just came back from Paris- i saw the photo!)


My problem is she rarely ( 1 out of 10) pays for anything, if she does it's the inexpensive stuff i.e taxis, snacks, coffee..Am i just seen as her meal ticket, etc.


She's serious and wants to get married, should I continue with the relationship?

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if things are SERIOUS with this woman, then why don't you simply bring this up to her?? you don't have to grill her or yell or anything, just ask her why she won't offer to pay to a level you're comfortable with.


hell, if this is the only issue, then you're doing just FINE!!

i've been dating around three months is this 25yo girl i met in disco. She claims to be an only child of a wealthy family. She works in the family business as a marketing exec, travels with a posse of 5-7 first class on business to NY, Paris, London, Milan frequently (just came back from Paris- i saw the photo!) My problem is she rarely ( 1 out of 10) pays for anything, if she does it's the inexpensive stuff i.e taxis, snacks, coffee..Am i just seen as her meal ticket, etc. She's serious and wants to get married, should I continue with the relationship?
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