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not being"needy"


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it sems to me that everyone that visits this site "needs" validation of some kind.tony wants to be the supersmart,everhelpful one and the rest of us "need" his advice.sure it is nice to vent anonymously,yet if these people spent as much time building and nurturing thier personal relationships as they spend on the love shack,they would possibly not be having all the relationship problems!you know,the old communication with your other half.face to face comunication seems to be the lost art.the internut is a nice tool,and can be helpful,yet you still have to face the problems in your relationships.your computer isn't going to solve your personal problems.it is machine.if you have no trust or respect for your mate,then basically you have no basis for a relationship,physical attraction only lasts a short time if that is your only basis.everyone should know that much.how can you be in love if you've only known someone a short time?it takes longer than a week.it takes a lifetime.

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It is obvious from your post that you also spend a lot time reading this forum. The funny thing about advice (as is evident by your post) is that while it is easy to offer advise, some of us have trouble following our own...


I certainly hope the time you spend reading and posting to this forum hasn't interferred with *your* relationship!

it sems to me that everyone that visits this site "needs" validation of some kind.tony wants to be the supersmart,everhelpful one and the rest of us "need" his advice.sure it is nice to vent anonymously,yet if these people spent as much time building and nurturing thier personal relationships as they spend on the love shack,they would possibly not be having all the relationship problems!you know,the old communication with your other half.face to face comunication seems to be the lost art.the internut is a nice tool,and can be helpful,yet you still have to face the problems in your relationships.your computer isn't going to solve your personal problems.it is machine.if you have no trust or respect for your mate,then basically you have no basis for a relationship,physical attraction only lasts a short time if that is your only basis.everyone should know that much.how can you be in love if you've only known someone a short time?it takes longer than a week.it takes a lifetime.
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how can you be in love if

you've only known someone a short time?it takes longer than a week.it takes a lifetime.

not true, I knew I was when I began to feel heartache when i was not around her, i mean...being with her made it go away, I feel complete when she is here beside me and I long for her when she is not here, and also every girl besides her I looked at on the same level as I would some guy. Shes my world...i gave up going into the marines for her (lifelong dream) and given up well paying job positions so I could have more time for her. She does the same for me. I Love her for everything she is and need her...

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Everyone needs advice sometime. Also there aren't always opportunities to discuss your "needs" or problems with the "other half" face to face. Sometimes it's easier to get someone else's point of view if you are anonymous or embarassed for some reason to tell the "other half". What about that? Psychiatrists and Psychologists make a lot of money doing this and yet you can solicit other people's advice here for free. What's wrong with that?


What if it's something that you would rather remain anonymous and you just need imput from a fresh mind? I think that like a lot of other communities, this one is about people helping people. I don't see people using it as an alternative to solutions to their problems with their mates, I see it more as a means of coming to a solution to a problem with a mate. Thinking before you speak is always a good thing.


Also, if you don't like what you read in people's posts then don't read em. Tony is not a "guru" and I don't believe he thinks he is "supersmart" either. I think he is a caring, person who offers advice to people when they ask for it. I along with a lot of other people in here respond to people's questions too, so it's not just Tony. I think a lot of people in here have been through similar situations and when they see someone who's going through the same thing they give them their opinion as to how to cope with it. I see nothing wrong with it.


Also, what about you? You're in here aren't you? Why aren't you out conversing with your "other half"? It's good to put in your two cents, but it's not good to judge other people or be hyppocritical about their problems. I think that a lot of people in here do have a respect for their mate and that's why they like to get advice on what to do sometimes so they don't end up hurting them, saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing.



it sems to me that everyone that visits this site "needs" validation of some kind.tony wants to be the supersmart,everhelpful one and the rest of us "need" his advice.sure it is nice to vent anonymously,yet if these people spent as much time building and nurturing thier personal relationships as they spend on the love shack,they would possibly not be having all the relationship problems!you know,the old communication with your other half.face to face comunication seems to be the lost art.the internut is a nice tool,and can be helpful,yet you still have to face the problems in your relationships.your computer isn't going to solve your personal problems.it is machine.if you have no trust or respect for your mate,then basically you have no basis for a relationship,physical attraction only lasts a short time if that is your only basis.everyone should know that much.how can you be in love if you've only known someone a short time?it takes longer than a week.it takes a lifetime.
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