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Off topic : Part 2: Why???


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Thousands of ppl have died in the US and outside the US we often hear that the US deserved it. My initial reaction is that a load of crap, even if it is true the death of thousands of innocent ppl (mainly ibankers) is far too much much of a price to pay


Radicals think the US deserve it because of giving Israel a license to kill, the nuking of Japan, and other issues which American public and university grads seem to not care much. Isn't there some truth to it? Is it a wake up call for Americans not only to the fact that they are not omnipotent but also a time for introspection?

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Actually, I think it's going to be an even larger wake up call for the terrorist group(s) and the country (countries) that harbored them. There going to realize that this type of destruction will not be tolerated. And they'll realize this as their deserts are turned into glass. If what I read a short while ago actually happens, we will have 19 countries behind us. That is a great reassurance.


I don't quite understand how anyone could say that the United States deserved this. Deserved what? To have innocent mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, grandmothers, grandfathers, and friends die a horrible death? They didn't deserve anything. They didn't have any potential to harm these terrorists nor did they have any direct coorelation with Israel. It is the ignorance and hatred of these terrorists that need to be inspected more closely, not whether or not America deserved it.


I cannot even fathom how anyone could possibly go dancing in the streets of Palestine, celebrating the deaths of thousands of Americans. Do these people honestly believe that all Americans sit in their houses and ponder how we can make Palestinian lives more miserable? So much so that they celebrate our deaths? Do they think that Americans celebrate everytime a Palestinian dies? That is one of the many things I thought about yesterday that made me VERY angry. The ignorance of these people for human lives.

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The people that died.. are most likely not the people that made the decisions to nuke people, or to give the licenses to kill.... The people that died are just that... innocent of these things.. they didn't deserve to die. I had someone close to me almost die in that dispicable act of aggression. There are other ways to show us that we are wrong.. But the vast majority of americans don't know what the hell the government is really doing.. they have so much secret stuff going on.. the average person in ANY country doesnt know what their government is doing.. to kill innocent people is just wrong. Those attackers not only killed and injured people in New York. They hurt every person that knew a New Yorker. They hurt almost the entire nation. Quoting te Karate Kid... SHOW NO MERCY... to those that harmed us... but not the entire middle east which will be hurt if we go to war.

Thousands of ppl have died in the US and outside the US we often hear that the US deserved it. My initial reaction is that a load of crap, even if it is true the death of thousands of innocent ppl (mainly ibankers) is far too much much of a price to pay Radicals think the US deserve it because of giving Israel a license to kill, the nuking of Japan, and other issues which American public and university grads seem to not care much. Isn't there some truth to it? Is it a wake up call for Americans not only to the fact that they are not omnipotent but also a time for introspection?


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It is a total disregard for HUMAN life.. anyone that would celebrate the deaths of anyone is subhuman.

Actually, I think it's going to be an even larger wake up call for the terrorist group(s) and the country (countries) that harbored them. There going to realize that this type of destruction will not be tolerated. And they'll realize this as their deserts are turned into glass. If what I read a short while ago actually happens, we will have 19 countries behind us. That is a great reassurance. I don't quite understand how anyone could say that the United States deserved this. Deserved what? To have innocent mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, grandmothers, grandfathers, and friends die a horrible death? They didn't deserve anything. They didn't have any potential to harm these terrorists nor did they have any direct coorelation with Israel. It is the ignorance and hatred of these terrorists that need to be inspected more closely, not whether or not America deserved it. I cannot even fathom how anyone could possibly go dancing in the streets of Palestine, celebrating the deaths of thousands of Americans. Do these people honestly believe that all Americans sit in their houses and ponder how we can make Palestinian lives more miserable? So much so that they celebrate our deaths? Do they think that Americans celebrate everytime a Palestinian dies? That is one of the many things I thought about yesterday that made me VERY angry. The ignorance of these people for human lives.
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