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Just a bad day!

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Hi all


Well .... Three weeks ago Mr Driveby contacted me 2 days after seeing me walking up the road at 3am with my girlfriend and a young bloke who was just walking with us and he happened to be walking next to me. He contacted asking how I was then he soon mentioned the guy.


Long story short, he ended up coming around to my place a few nights after that initial contact. He then left to go on holiday 2 days later with his friends for his birthday for 2 weeks.


The problem is this, for the last 2 weeks I have felt like I could breathe, that I could go on my balcony without risk of seeing him and I could walk down the road with seeing him and no fear of it. He only came back today and already I feel hemmed in and find myself not wanting to go on my balcony. Why do I feel like this? Why should it matter if I see him, I fk him for christ sake!


I feel like my emotions are all over the place and I cant even explain why!


When he left here I was fine that he had gone, I didnt even get the tiniest urge to text him the next day and say have a nice holiday, which I am sure he expected me to and I have been great the last 2 weeks.


Now he is back I feel terrible for some reason.


It is my birthday tomorrow and I feel really hurt, for some mad reason, that he wont even get me a card or say Happy Birthday to me! Why should I care about this?


When he came around we where talking about guys who play hard to get and he said "It works" I said "Yeah for five minutes" and he said "Well you still like me" ........ He said it without even realising what he had said - I turned to him and told him that I never had any intention of calling him and that he was only here because he had contacted me.


I know in my heart that I should not contact him (which I didnt) and if he contacts me I should tell him to Jog on and that my goals have changed and I hope I can.


I dont even know why I am writing about this but it is really getting me down today!


Plus I am 35 tomorrow and I am feeling crappy! :(

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Lishy, first off Happy Birthday, early but even so I hope you have a great day tomorrow. 35 is just a number, it doesn't define you in any way.


The guy, sounds like you were doing really well and had some peace of mind with him out of the picture. I would suggest trying to get back to there. Isn't it funny when you show them you have moved on that they feel the need to rope you back in. Only you know what is best for you but it sounds like his presense in your life does more harm than could so I would suggest trying to move on again. Good luck and again happy birthday! :bunny:

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kitten chick

Happy early birthday Lishy.


Why not just pretend he got eaten by a crocodile while he was on vacation? Then you don't have to worry about seeing him ever again.

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Hey Sweety,


Wish you many more returns of the day! Here is a big big hug from me :love: :love:


Baby I wish I cud give advice about your guy but I am exactly in the same situation and my friend is hounding me. I am trying to keep the distance though. I can very well tell that whenever I don't hear from her I feel very peaceful! That should tell you a lot about what you need to do in your situation. So he is on vacation now... Is he going to contact you after returning back? You really shouldn't be bothered about that.


Don't worry about turning 35 baby, you are still sexy and hot.


Have a great day tomorrow darling :)

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Thank you guys for your birthday wishes! :)


Yeah I know what I have to do - He came back today :(


I have a major confession and I can't believe I just did it! I just came back from my sis's house and it's 10.pm and I drove past his house! Not once, twice! His car was not there and I feel sick! Why am I doing this? I have never done that and now I am convinced that he is with a girl! Where else would he be at 10pm? Oh shyte I feel so low!

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Honey - Lishy-


If he is with another gal, you should write a list of all the things you feel sorry for her for chosing him to spend time with.


You do not need him in order to be happy!


35 years old, that is waaaay young!!!! You go girl!


You would only be wasting for time and energy on him if you go back.


MORE than all else, a very happy birthday to you, go have fun with a few people you love!



Cal Gal = M-

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I dont know honey ..... But I obviously do!


I sure wish I didn't!


Really can't blame you Lishy 'cos you still have residual feelings left. That's why it bothers you so much.


I guess your best bet would be to actively start dating again and find a great relationship. Until that happens it will be tough to kick Mr.Driveby from your mind and heart. I should probably be giving the same advice to myself :rolleyes:

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I feel awful today :(


I am 35 - Nearer 40 than 30 and even though my phone and text have not stopped from my friends - and they are taking me out for a meal tonight - I cant help but want to cry because that man who should not even matter wont even say Happy Birthday to me!


I always get upset and down on my birthday but this year it seems even worse!


You all must be so sick of listening to this crap! :(

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Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Liiiiiiiiiiiiishy.... Happy Birthday to you!! :D:laugh::D


We never get sick of it, that's why we're here every day! Poor Lishy... try to have a great birthday, you definately deserve to have some fun and be happy!!


I think you need to stay away and move on with your life. The fact that when he was gone you felt happy and relieved speaks volumes. Listen to it, and go back to NC. I know it's really hard, but you deserve better. And what better time to make the resolution to move on, but on your birthday?!


Hugs! :bunny:

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playing hard to get always works, for both sexes. but it only works if the other party likes/loves you a lot. :)

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LK - Thank you for your birthday wishes!


I will stay away - I dont have a problem with that - I DID stay away for three months, then he see me with a guy and BAM - Why does he bother?


Yes Alpha playing hard to get only works when there is great interest there - I don't wanna play hard to get I wanna play get him out of my head/life - This feeling sucks!


My ex of 14 years rang me to say happy birthday and my phone was ringing off the hook from friends and family - But if HE called I would be so happy and I hate myself for feeling like this - This is the only place I can admit this as I feel so embarressed to even think it, let alone say it to my friends!

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Happy Bday Lishy!! Hope you are having a good one. Please don't fall into his trap. Sometimes there are people that may not want us but at the same time not want you to have anyone else. Does that makes sense to you ? Please be careful to his player tactics ! Good luck and stick to the NC .

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Happy Birthday Lishy!


35 is a NICE age in my book.


Playing hard to get does work. Don't fall for his mental games.

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Wow what a difference a day makes! I feel so much better today and thank you everyone for your kind words and birthday wishes!

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