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i need help! there is this guy that ive been dating and hes way cool. i like him alot but i dont understand him cause he called me thick one day and so we stoped talking for about two weeks.


then he text me saying how sorry he was and he would like to work some thing out. i tould him i didnt know about that cause he said i was to thick for him. he said that he understands but if we could hang out and see what happends so ive seen him 3 times after that.


he acts like where together but we dont have the offical words. he calls me babe and wants to kiss and stuff like that but i feel that when your not with some one you shouldnt do that. i want to be with him but i dont know how much he wants to be with me. so i dont know if i should back up or keep going cause i feel that if i tell him i just want to be friends he might and finde some one else. i dont know if i want to talk with him about being together cause last time we stoped talking to each other.


i dont know if hes playing with me or if hes for real.

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