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stupid question


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Im not going to go into details, but I was wondering if any girl has had sex while having her period, or has any guy had sex with a girl with there period.

Silly Rabbits! Don't you know that during "that time of the month" a woman is at her most sensitive (and horny) period (No pun intended)???


As long as your man isn't grossed out by the idea of a few extra bodily fluids floating around - Slap down a towel and go to town! I figure if a guy can't realize that Aunt Flo is a welcome visitor (Unless you WANT to be pregnant), he probably isn't worth the time to consider this question - There's a certain level of trust and intamacy you should share if this is an issue, anyway...


(By the way, you don't bleed as much during sex... So it's not as messy or gross as you might think... Just no oral - PLEASE...)

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Thanks for the tip,Ok another stupid question, If you never dont that before (which I havent) and you dont feel comfortable about doing it, how do you explain to a guy that you have your period?? I would feel bad saying oh by the way we cant have sex cause I have my period, I would think they would think Im lieing, or I was rejecting them


(I do think to much lol)

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(I do think to much lol)

Just say you're "Out of Service" for the week... If he's not too slow, he should get the picture...


Cute double entendres always do the trick...


You do think too much - If he is so insecure that he doesn't beleive you - He's not worth it anyway... As if you don't WANT to have sex!!!

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