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Men, does this mean anything?

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You are in a current relationship and seemingly happy. You are at a birthday party. You run into an old friend that you have known for a long time.(female) You are standing there talking to her with your g.f. right there. The friend says, "So are you two officially dating" and the b.f. says, "Yes, but you aren't available so what's a guy to do?" (said to the female friend and in front of your g.f.) You are then out again...run into the same female friend...she goes to walk by and your g.f. is right there (again) you whistle at the friend (woot-woo)

Question: Are you "just being flirty/chummy"?

Or....is there more to the story?

Also, do you think this is disrespectful to your current g.f. (esp. when she is right there for both "incidents")

By the way...the female friend seemed uncomfortable.

A bit more on the "story".....Your current g.f. has ALOT of male friends who are a bit flirty with your g.f. but your g.f. doesn't cross any lines or really flirt back....You don't have many opportunities to "flirt" or be "chummy" with "friends of the opposite" sex all that often.....(due to the you two hanging out more with her friends)

Is this innocent fun? Is this "trying to make me a bit jealous" because all of my guy friends are always around? Or.....??

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I dont think its a big deal, whatever you do dont get all clingy on her, women like their space. So if your alrite with her being w/ her guy friends, and you trust her it really will be a benefit for you.

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I dont think its a big deal, whatever you do dont get all clingy on her, women like their space. So if your alrite with her being w/ her guy friends, and you trust her it really will be a benefit for you.


This question is from my point of view. My b.f. ran into a girl "friend" of his...and did this in front of me (twice)....

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I would find this disrespectfull and classless.


Doing something to hurt someone else because of jealousy would have me question their character.

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A bit more on the "story".....Your current g.f. has ALOT of male friends who are a bit flirty with your g.f.


That might make quite a bit of difference. Yes, what he's doing is inconsiderate. And you have a right to want it to stop. But whether it means he's looking to cheat or merely dealing with his jealousy over guys always flirting with you in a somewhat immature manner...


I think you need to talk to him. Ask him if he's bothered by your friends. I know for awhile my gf had a lot of male "friends" (read, mere acquiantances who wanted to sleep with her) who flirted with her, and it took us months of awkward discussions before it was clear I didn't like that but felt uncomfortable saying so. I didn't want to be the controlling guy who says you have to stop talking to him, but it hurt me that guys who she didn't seem to be very close to and so far as I could tell saw her as a potential lay more than a person were somehow important enough to keep around. If your bf is feeling that way about these guys you're referring to, it may not matter that you don't flirt back.


Not that I'm saying what he did is right. Because when this happened to me, that wasn't how I responded. I'm just saying it sounds at first like he's just an ass, and that may or may not be the case. I would definately talk to him about whether he's jealous of your friends.

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