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Husband Refuses To Sell The House

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Well I just did a comparsion on real estate.... looks like this house is worth about $225,000 plus. I cannot believe that their are double wide trailer houses going for $176,000 on just 6 acres in the area...... unreal.... prices have shot up since I last looked. Not one house for sale in our immediate area though.....

thinking by the time we spruce up the place and a little curb appeal could get more out of it???


People slam on the brakes out here to stop and look at the animals.... it is funny as hell..... now my H will want oxen too. Camel is on the way LOL!


I know it's crazy here too. We almost gave up but then found this house. But really now you can't get anything decent for under $200,000 and that's with little land. we have emu and llamas buy use too and shaggy cows.

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