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Thinking Twice


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We all agree that the WTC incident was a very sad thing. 1000s of innocent people died.


But what of the innocent people that were killed by US bombings and attacks in the middle east? families were killed, thrown apart



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YOU ASK: "But what of the innocent people that were killed by US bombings and attacks in the middle east?"


The United States never, ever indiscriminately bombs areas where civilians are known to inhabit. It is the absolute policy of the United States government to limit all air and missile strikes to military targets. However, accidents do happen and innocent people are killed.


In the case of Iraq, for example, Saddam Hussein actually paraded civilians into strategic targets in order to keep the U.S. from striking and he was successful.


HYPOCRITES?? Absolutely not. The United States has ever and will never intentionally strike civilian targets. There is nothing to be accomplished by this and a lot of bad public relations to be gained worldwide. Our allies would immediately part company with us if we did this.


In your case, your information was furnished to you from highly biased, prejudiced and/or ignorant sources.

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