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Should I make my move?


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that's pretty sad if you're using the current events as your excuse for this.


if you have any respect for your wife, you will NOT do this! you obviously married her for some reason, so this is simply unacceptable. if this is happening due to troubles in your marriage -- TALK to your wife!!

i think i'm falling for a girl that works in my office. I'm married and I think she has boyfriend but I dont care. In light of the emminent end of the world, should I make my move?
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I think that if you are lusting after this girl it is not about her, but about YOU and your domestic situation. You are obviously not happy in your marriage and I think you should sit down and try to work things out with your wife before getting carried away in some fantasy that you know is never going to eventuate. Having an affair or even approaching this girl will have disastrous consequences - you can't have your cake and eat it too. Perhaps if you can spice things up with your wife you can get over this girl and be the husband your wife deserves.

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No. Think about why you are married. What about your wife? What if this girl is not into you the same way you're into her? What about that? Do you want to risk the end of your marriage over that possibility? I don't know the state of your marriage, perhaps it's good or perhaps not but I do think that this decision deserves a lot of thinking on your part. If you don't want to be married anymore, then at least protect your wife and the possibility of being able to have a friendship with her after by not cheating on her. I think you at least have a responsibility to be honest with your wife and also not to possibly spread an std to her if you still have sex ( know what I mean?). Please just think about that before you "make a move".


Also, you may want to think about why you are considering cheating on your wife, is it the attraction to this girl or is part of the attraction the "cheating"? I think a lot of times people cheat and then they find that after they've been caught or after the initial excitement of the cheating is over so is the relationship. There's a big fall in store there, in my opinion anyway.


I am not judging you in any way here, I just know what it's like to be cheated on and then the other person wants to remain friends but you really can't do that once the cheating has happened. It's an ultimate betrayal and it's preventable because all you have to do is be honest about how you feel.


I hope that helps. Take it easy.



i think i'm falling for a girl that works in my office. I'm married and I think she has boyfriend but I dont care. In light of the emminent end of the world, should I make my move?
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