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Thinking back on something with a boyfriend--I was with him for about 4 months when he went to the jersey shore for the weekend with friends. I was not 21 so I did not go. We spoke throughout the weekend. When he got back, we were looking through his cell one time for whatever the reason and I see someone knew and I ask who is that. He said it's so and so's sister. She came by the shore with her friend to hang out with them too. Then he said, he doesn't need it anymore and deletes it. I didn't think anything of it then-- but now I am thinking back all of a sudden and questioning if that was weird. Is that proof he had a fling with this girl or something? or it really just isn't enough to conclude anything?

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no, that alone is not proof.


if he's your ex, i wouldn't get too worked up about it. it doesn't matter anymore, and even if something did happen, knowing about it won't do you any good now.

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well it sounds a bit suspicious to me. a similar thing happend to me with my daughters dad, he had new numbers on his phone 2wards the end of the relationship when i was pregnant but he'd always say "its so and so's girlfried or sister or she's just a friend". there was one in particular who i asked who it was and he deleted it before i could find out. i found out at a later date that he had been exchanging numbers with others and he had met someone else that he wanted 2 get with .... well she musta been worth us ending and losing out on living as a family and seeing his daughter grow up because he's still with her 2 and a half years on and i have the horrible thing of the girl he chose over me possibly being a stepmum to my daughter. great

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I am still with him--I really didn't think anything of it until all of a sudden now. I do not see her number in his phone or do not think he would be calling her. Is it something to worry about now if I am still with him. It is not like I can bring up something like that now and ask--by the way, why did you have her number when you came back months ago?

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I shouldn't think it's anything to worry about. Keep your eyes and ears open for any redflags, but I could certainly be innocent.


If he didn't look aggitated by you seeing it then all is probably fine!

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Jmmm....come on now...really....


You have started quite a few threads about this guy - posting about once a week now...let me remind you of a mere few:










asking everytime if he is cheating and what should you do...are you following any of this advice or are you choosing to remain where you are feeling how you are F O R E V E R???


Nobody is worth living like this...I don't know if this guy is cheating but the fackt that you can't trust him AT ALL means you should not be with him.


I'm sorry for the bit of tough love but I think you need it. Girl please learn to love yourself enough to stop living like this....

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