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Why Hasn't He CALLED?


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I went out with friends last weekend and met a guy and we both got on really well. Towards the end of the night I'd had a bit too much to drink and I think I came on a bit too strong with him. But he responded to my advances and at the end asked for my number. Anyway, it's been nearly a week and I haven't heard from him! This is SO frustrating! Why ask for my digits if he wasn't interested? I don't particularly want a relationship or anything, in fact I would be happy to just be friends with him. But I hate being in limbo like this, anticipating that call and never getting it. It's horrible!


Why are guys so useless when it comes to phone etiquette? All my previous boyfriends have been incapable of returning a call, or even messaging me, despite the fact that in most cases they have been more keen than me. Does anyone know why men can't pick up the phone? Is it a chemical imbalance or what? I would even be happy if this guy rang up to say he WASN'T interested. At least I would know! I hate being f***ed around like this.

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men have had it instilled in them to be STRONG, and to not be so AVAILABLE when it comes to women. don't want to appear weak and needy, so this is what happens! believe me, this doesn't necessarily mean there's no interest, it's those unwritten "rules" we've all heard about. best thing to do, try not to even think about it! there's really nothing you can do here, so you really need to try and do that. i know, it SUCKS . . . doesn't it?!! there are men out there that don't follow these "rules" -- believe it or not -- just doesn't sound like you've found one of them yet.

I went out with friends last weekend and met a guy and we both got on really well. Towards the end of the night I'd had a bit too much to drink and I think I came on a bit too strong with him. But he responded to my advances and at the end asked for my number. Anyway, it's been nearly a week and I haven't heard from him! This is SO frustrating! Why ask for my digits if he wasn't interested? I don't particularly want a relationship or anything, in fact I would be happy to just be friends with him. But I hate being in limbo like this, anticipating that call and never getting it. It's horrible! Why are guys so useless when it comes to phone etiquette? All my previous boyfriends have been incapable of returning a call, or even messaging me, despite the fact that in most cases they have been more keen than me. Does anyone know why men can't pick up the phone? Is it a chemical imbalance or what? I would even be happy if this guy rang up to say he WASN'T interested. At least I would know! I hate being f***ed around like this.
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Hi Lucy,


I think if you feel like you came on a little too strong then use this as an opportunity to not do it again. Back off a little bit. Think about this, why would he ask for your number if he wasn't interested? That should make you feel a little better. Don't call him,if I were in your shoes, I would wait another week and then if nothing happens, call him. If you want to get together with him, why not arrange a small outing with the same group of friends and invite him along? See if the magic happens again and this time don't drink so much (heh heh ;).



I went out with friends last weekend and met a guy and we both got on really well. Towards the end of the night I'd had a bit too much to drink and I think I came on a bit too strong with him. But he responded to my advances and at the end asked for my number. Anyway, it's been nearly a week and I haven't heard from him! This is SO frustrating! Why ask for my digits if he wasn't interested? I don't particularly want a relationship or anything, in fact I would be happy to just be friends with him. But I hate being in limbo like this, anticipating that call and never getting it. It's horrible! Why are guys so useless when it comes to phone etiquette? All my previous boyfriends have been incapable of returning a call, or even messaging me, despite the fact that in most cases they have been more keen than me. Does anyone know why men can't pick up the phone? Is it a chemical imbalance or what? I would even be happy if this guy rang up to say he WASN'T interested. At least I would know! I hate being f***ed around like this.
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You wrote:


I don't particularly want a relationship

or anything, in fact I would be happy to just be friends with him. But I hate being in limbo like this, anticipating that call and never getting it. It's horrible!"

First of all, so what..he asked for your number. He didn't sign a contract with you saying he'd definitely call. He doesn't owe you anything, so for you to later say in your post that he has "f*cked you around", that's not only melodramatic, it's the epitome of overexaggerated. He has no obligations to do anything as far as you're concerned.


Do you always get this uptight in regards to a man you've admitted you're not even particularly interested in a relationship with? So what if he hasn't called.....surely you can make other friends, no?


Sounds to me like you have some kind of deep seated resentment towards men, like somehow they all owe you something, or that they are collectively all dickheads.

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