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Is this wrong and ?


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Well, I have given hints to the girl that I like her and interested in her, but one of my friends got to know her without knowing that I really liked her as well, for a while now. I finally told him last week that I liked her. I finally spoke to him about this situation once I found out he liked her and he got all angry telling me to back off and stuff. He asked her out today and I'm really pissed. Of the outcome, I'm not sure. Although he's a friend, is it wrong to hope that she said no so that I can try to ask her on a date? Right now I'm feeling pretty bad because I feel lots of anger, depression, disappointment, and quite honestly hurt. If you guys have any suggestions please comment because it feels pretty hopeless right now..

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Um...next time don't drop hints just plain ask the girl out. The worst she can say is no and inwhich case you know to move on. Which is easier when you first like someone because unfortunately when we like someone without getting to know them we start fantasizing that they are who it is we want them to be based on what little interaction we have had with them. Then we find out they are dating someone else because we waited or they don't like us back and we're all crushed and boo hoo'd about the issue when quite frankly they could be someone that if we got to know- we wouldn't trully have as much interest as we invested under false pretenses. Not to say that in this case she's someone else as it sounds like you've gotten to actually know her pretty well? You guys should let the girl decide which one of you if either she wants to be with and respect that decision. You don't have to be over the moon about it at first but if you're smart you'll get over it because baby, lifes just too short to try and dance with someone who doesn't want to dance with you

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