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Me and my botfriend broke up after being together for alittle over a year. Today as a matter of fact is our 1yr and 4month anniversary. Its hard for me to let go because I know him from head to toe. We did everything together.. I found someone else who likes me too but i don't know if i should give him a chance. I don't want to hurt him. I alwayz compare the things the guy now does for me and the things my ex did for me. I thought this was the right thing to do break up with him that is. But it hurts me cuz alot more cuz he is more stronger than i am and he won't give in. I don't know what to do. We broke up and got back together on and off for this whole time we've been together. But he it was just me and him. Meaning I didn't mess with anyone else and he didn't either. I like this other guy I'm with but I'm scared to try this relationship thing over again. I just need someone to tell me or give advice..

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Me and my botfriend broke up after being together for alittle over a year. Today as a matter of fact is our 1yr and 4month anniversary. Its hard for me to let go because I know him from head to toe. We did everything together.. I found someone else who likes me too but i don't know if i should give him a chance. I don't want to hurt him. I alwayz compare the things the guy now does for me and the things my ex did for me. I thought this was the right thing to do break up with him that is. But it hurts me cuz alot more cuz he is more stronger than i am and he won't give in. I don't know what to do. We broke up and got back together on and off for this whole time we've been together. But he it was just me and him. Meaning I didn't mess with anyone else and he didn't either. I like this other guy I'm with but I'm scared to try this relationship thing over again. I just need someone to tell me or give advice..
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Yeah, I definitely think this new guy deserves a chance! Don't miss out. You sound like maybe you're still hanging on to some feelings about your ex and I think it's totally normal. Just take things slow. Start with a date, as friends, get to know him, sometimes you find out whether or not you can like someone in that way after spending friendly time with them. I think you should go for it but just take it slow. Go out on a date and see how things go, you may end up liking him more and then again you may wind up finding out that you two are better off as friends. New and different, it's what you need, you've taken the time to be alone for a while now so why not try something new?



Me and my botfriend broke up after being together for alittle over a year. Today as a matter of fact is our 1yr and 4month anniversary. Its hard for me to let go because I know him from head to toe. We did everything together.. I found someone else who likes me too but i don't know if i should give him a chance. I don't want to hurt him. I alwayz compare the things the guy now does for me and the things my ex did for me. I thought this was the right thing to do break up with him that is. But it hurts me cuz alot more cuz he is more stronger than i am and he won't give in. I don't know what to do. We broke up and got back together on and off for this whole time we've been together. But he it was just me and him. Meaning I didn't mess with anyone else and he didn't either. I like this other guy I'm with but I'm scared to try this relationship thing over again. I just need someone to tell me or give advice..
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I've been hanging out with this other guy for a little while now trying to get my mind off my ex.But a year and four months is hard to just give up on....Your right though I might pass up something good with this other guy....

Yeah, I definitely think this new guy deserves a chance! Don't miss out. You sound like maybe you're still hanging on to some feelings about your ex and I think it's totally normal. Just take things slow. Start with a date, as friends, get to know him, sometimes you find out whether or not you can like someone in that way after spending friendly time with them. I think you should go for it but just take it slow. Go out on a date and see how things go, you may end up liking him more and then again you may wind up finding out that you two are better off as friends. New and different, it's what you need, you've taken the time to be alone for a while now so why not try something new? marz
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