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Is Time the Answer?


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OK, so my ex and I have been "dating" again for the last month and a half. It started off nice and then she got really busy with work. I never have nor will want her to put me in front of her work (just to get that out). Right now we talk on the phone every day, but usually it is her complaining about work, and she is never in a good mood. She seems to make time for some friends to go have dinner and stuff, but never anything with me. Sure, I feel jealous, but what I really want to know is if I should wait any longer, or just throw in the towel because she just doesn't love me anymore and is afraid to let me know this again. I've been known to overreact, so my plan right now is to sit back and wait for her to make the next move. In other words, she will have to make the call to ask me out instead of me always asking her to do something now because when I do that, she always is tired, or it seems like it is such an effort for her to take some time away from work for me. Selfish, yes, but I don't think it is out of line if you really want to give it a go...Just some help on if you think I should wait it out more, because I love her more than anything, and I promised myself never to give up on her...but sometimes it is just best to let it go...

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personally, i don't think waiting for her to "make the next move" is a good idea. so, she does . . . then, a few weeks later, you're right back here again!


if this girl really CARES about you, you WILL be the priority, and that won't even be a QUESTION for her . . . she'll WANT that!!! she'll want to be with you and talk to you, and she'll MAKE time to do those things.


i suggest simply having a talk and telling her what you're feeling. if she gets totally PISSED, then there's your answer. otherwise, things might change for the better, and you'll BOTH be happier!


don't be proud . . . talk to her!!!

OK, so my ex and I have been "dating" again for the last month and a half. It started off nice and then she got really busy with work. I never have nor will want her to put me in front of her work (just to get that out). Right now we talk on the phone every day, but usually it is her complaining about work, and she is never in a good mood. She seems to make time for some friends to go have dinner and stuff, but never anything with me. Sure, I feel jealous, but what I really want to know is if I should wait any longer, or just throw in the towel because she just doesn't love me anymore and is afraid to let me know this again. I've been known to overreact, so my plan right now is to sit back and wait for her to make the next move. In other words, she will have to make the call to ask me out instead of me always asking her to do something now because when I do that, she always is tired, or it seems like it is such an effort for her to take some time away from work for me. Selfish, yes, but I don't think it is out of line if you really want to give it a go...Just some help on if you think I should wait it out more, because I love her more than anything, and I promised myself never to give up on her...but sometimes it is just best to let it go...
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IF you love her so much why so willing to give it up? Throw in the towel if you want.. but if you really do love her. Tell her flat out... Baby, I am feeling a little out of the loop. Do you think we could set aside some US time.. Time away from friends and work, and just be together for a little bit. Any day is cool with me.. you tell me when and I will be there. Then surprise her with a romantic picnic on that day or something. Do things that you used to do when first dating to remind each other why you fell in love.

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