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After breakup- how long to wait


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OK. So I have broken up with my louse of a boyfriend. Now what? How long is a respectable amount of time to wait before I start dating again. I had a guy asking me out before I had broken up and it would be nice to go out with him since he seems really nice. But I don't want to do the rebound thing.. nor do I want to hurt the ex by moving on too quick. Guys!! How long is long enough?

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You're not living for your ex, you're living for yourself so don't let the louse be a consideration in this.


The time is right when you feel healed from the terminated relationship, when you harbor no anger or resentment, when you are no longer depressed and when you feel a need to move on and create a new direction in your life. It's also important that you are not dating to drown out pain or loneliness. Heal all that before you get back into circulation.


Judging by the tone of your post, it seems to are close to that point.


Begin to date others when you feel the time is right for you. This is a decision that no other person in the world can make for you. There is no formula, no average time. The decision to date again must be based on just how you feel about it.

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Instead of "how long to wait?", I think the bigger question is "when are YOU ready?". Because there are so many factors that have to be considered, I don't think anyone can give you a predefined time scale to go by.


You will be vulnerable for quite some time. Understand that, no matter how long you wait, the first guy or two you become romantically involved with has the potential of being a rebound or transitional relationship for you. Don't ignore this or try to hide it from yourself or a potential partner for the next two or three months at the least.


As far as your ex-boyfriend goes...if you are worried about how he would feel about you dating someone else, then you are probably not ready yet.

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