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Not rude. A very good point.


Well. I've come to find that the girls who've had a few experiences in their life, are more down-to-earth, more mature, and more tolerable. Whereas, girls that get everything handed to them on a silver-effing-platter, are full of themselves, expect mommy, daddy, and boyfriend to pay for their shopping, partying, and other habits.


Anyway. This girl has been through some pretty hard times, and if it takes someone to help her straighten things out, I don't mind that. But she's very dead-set on not letting herself get wrapped up in crap again, even before she met me.

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Exactly, once girl number 1 (if ever) starts living in the real world she would be a completely different person- and remember you would still have to see her mother, all those uncomfortable silences and accusing stares. You would be burned in her mind as the evil man who took her baby girl from her!

Girl num2 did sound like trouble, but if she has the resolve to pull herself together, i like her. it takes a lot to recognize that your life is crap and more to change it. i would go with her, but keep a distance

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Exactly, once girl number 1 (if ever) starts living in the real world she would be a completely different person- and remember you would still have to see her mother, all those uncomfortable silences and accusing stares. You would be burned in her mind as the evil man who took her baby girl from her!

Girl num2 did sound like trouble, but if she has the resolve to pull herself together, i like her. it takes a lot to recognize that your life is crap and more to change it. i would go with her, but keep a distance


Precisely. I acknowledge her courage and strong will. Even now that her spine is swollen and she is in so much pain, she will not take more than the recommended dose of pain relief. Even I take more than the suggested amount sometimes. And I don't feel like I gotta keep an eye on her.


But what do you mean by 'keep a distance'?

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im a girl, so trust me on this. women like two kinds of men, strong dominant alpha types, and nice,kind beta males. The first type never commit to anything past one night. The second type, such as yourself, is known as a 'winner'. You consider the consequences of getting involved with both girls, worrying about them. The first type of man would be doing both and never think that might be wrong.

The reason why i said keep a distance is that some women abuse nice men. They unload their grief, problems and hassles to you, they expect you to deal with situations they have quite happily got themselves into and expect you to fix it. They are, in short, manipulative, greedy and selfish.

im sure she's not like that, but if she does have psychological issues, its risky for you both to get really attached because if things go wrong, shes lost a friend and, probably, her first decent boyfriend.

ahhh, so cute! I hope it goes well!

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Wow. You're awesome! :)


I've analyzed her past relationships, and she's always gotten the short end of the stick. She dated one guy for three years (puppy love thing that turned into a 'I think this is love' sort of thing) and the guy tried getting her to have sex with him all three years. Never happened. She's very strong-willed.


I very much doubt she'll abuse the relationship. She wrote a poem (awwo how cute. heh.) and she said some things to me that almost made me cry. Yup yup.

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im a girl, so trust me on this. women like two kinds of men, strong dominant alpha types, and nice,kind beta males. The first type never commit to anything past one night. The second type, such as yourself, is known as a 'winner'. You consider the consequences of getting involved with both girls, worrying about them. The first type of man would be doing both and never think that might be wrong.

The reason why i said keep a distance is that some women abuse nice men. They unload their grief, problems and hassles to you, they expect you to deal with situations they have quite happily got themselves into and expect you to fix it. They are, in short, manipulative, greedy and selfish.

im sure she's not like that, but if she does have psychological issues, its risky for you both to get really attached because if things go wrong, shes lost a friend and, probably, her first decent boyfriend.

ahhh, so cute! I hope it goes well!


I dont agree with this, chicks like strong alpah types no matter what, you can still be nice and not be a wuss by just knowing when to see them, give them space, and be nice but still tease them. Theres guys like that out there that are not like what you said, selfish etc.. most guys like 80% would rather be with 1 girl than be single and sleep around. seriously thats something to take to mind.


As for girl no. #1, if your her first, and your both in love, she will associate the feelings of sex as something much more deeper.. love and she would never cheat on you or anything unless she fell in love with someone else, she wouldn't really act on a fling or anything just for sex. She wouldn't feel love and therefore wouldn't get turned on. Also if her pearents really control her, that means to her being with you is "forbidden", makes it alot more exciting, better everything !! trust me...


Its more valuable when you know its wrong and can't have it ;)

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Yes of course women like alpha men, their genetically programmed to go for the strongest, ablest and most likely to sire lots of offspring. tthe problem is that these type of men know that they are attractive to most women, and never commit.

I disagree that 80% of men are nice. Bullsh*t. Most men cheat on their partners, given the chance.

Bearing in mind that i know almost nothing about this girl, i can only make generalisations. But she sounds nice, and considering what she seems to have gone through, remarkabely sane and steady.

I think this bloke is in a difficult situation and is trying to the right thing. How many blokes would just start sh*gging both girls? Most of you!

At least his conscience is making him consider the affect of his actions on both girls. Most men neither know nor care how women think.

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