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Is this common?

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A man that I know from college have become friends over the last month. We originally met last fall, but lost contact with one another. Now we see one another a couple times a week.


Whenever he sees me after my classes are over in the afternoon (almost always at the same time, 5:30pm), he insists on giving me a ride home. I always accept and we have wonderful and insightful conversations on the way there.


The thing is that the travel time from the college to my house is half an hour on a good day. Gas is expensive. I've never heard of a guy doing that for someone. I take it that he is an extremely kind person and I treasure that kindness.


About a week ago, he asked if I'd go out with him for dinner or coffee. We decided that Thursday (3/16) would be the best time for both of us.


He came to pick me up on Thursday and we went out for coffee and then headed to a party hosted by a College Student Organization that I belong to. We spent 75% of the time at the party sitting side by side and talking. After leaving the party we headed to In-N-Out for burgers. On the way home from In-N-Out, he said that he liked me very much and found me very attractive, but did not want to pursue a serious romantic relationship at this time and wanted us to be friends. He did want us to go out together next week to a rather expensive restaurant. (and also in the near future.) I told him that I also had feelings for him. He opened my car door, walked me to the front door of my home and we chatted for a second and said goodbye with a big hug.


He paid for everything that night, and said "I enjoy taking a lady out." He said that he wants to pay whenever we go out.


I thought that friends normally go dutch when hanging out, so I find myself confused. He said that he doesn't want to pursue a serious romantic relationship and doesn't want sex, so I'm wondering what's going on.


Gentlemen, can you help me make sense of his actions. Does he want to simply take things slowly and see what happens, or does he want a platonic friendship where he takes me out and picks up the tab? Personally, I could see us having a strong and meaningful platonic friendship, but I'd like to see if anything in the way of romantic happens as we get to know each other much better.

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I think that he actually likes you and wants to pursue a relationship....but not until the two of you date for a while, say for a few months as friends.

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I think he likes you, but doesnt want to rush things. And if he is paying for everything, is because he invited you. You are more like his guest of honor.

Dont stress yourself, unless you know he expects something in exchange.

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