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My daughter is tiny little thing, but she thinks she's fat. The problem is that whenever she eats, her stomach bloats up pretty bad...(and we won't go into the other symptoms). Her stomach is washboard-straight any other time. Her bloating lasts for the rest of the entire day.


Is something wrong? Could this be food allergies?

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Bloating - What Usually Causes It?


Lactose intolerance and other food intolerances

Air swallowing (a nervous habit)

Irritable bowel syndrome

Partial bowel obstruction


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Thanks A_C. I'm thinking that if I took her to the dr. he would give me a list of causes, too. Well, I guess I'll start her on lactose intolerance supplements and I'll watch how and what she eats more carefully. I mean, she can just eat toast w/butter and she bloats up, so I don't think overeating is the issue. Swallowing air? How does a person know if they are doing that?


The scary part is is that she thinks she needs to diet to keep her stomach flat. :(

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The webiste has a Chart for IBS Treatments by Symptom. According to that, she needs to try strong fennel tea. I'm gonna look first at my grocery store, before ordering if over the internet. Hoping this will help. :)

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I have IBS and this is what happens to me. It sucks, the older I get or the more stress in my life, it gets worse. If you get your daughter to the doctor at a young age, she will have the tools to deal with it her entire life. The hard part is knowing what to eat that will help with the syptoms of IBS. Many of the things on the school lunch menu will not be good for her. They can only call it IBS after they rule out everything else. As an adult that means a colonoscopy. I hope they don't make your daughter do that.


Good luck.

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yea defineatley see a doctor and start recording what she eats and what is causing the problem. You mentioned toast doing it.... that could either be a wheat allergy or a gluten intolerence. So record, record, record and see if you can find the trigger

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So, there is no magical cure or medication you can take to prevent the bloating? It's a matter of changing your eating habits?

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Yes, As far as I know there is no cure, only diet change depending on what it is that is wrong. You really won't know till you see a doctor for sure.

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kidney problems can also cause bloating, so blood work's needed to rule that out.


Try taking out all wheat and dairy products from her diet for a week and see what happens. Just do brown rice for carbs.

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