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clueless pt. 2

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I've been going out with this guy for 1 year and 1 month. Some of my friends say he is cheating on me! I talked about it to him and he said no and look in my eyes with a straight face with a look of why i would even ask that. I dont want to lose my friends or him! help i dont know what to do i'm clueless



they say when ever he isnt there this one girl isnt there. This girl giveshim notes and went to a dance which i asked some ppl i know that went and they didnt see him there! I dont wanna lose either him or my friends!

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First off lemme guess why you posted the same topic twice, that lame ass "no editing after 150 seconds" rule? cuz of course everyone figures out what they wanna edit in their post within 2 mins of posting it, yeah, i hate that rule too.


Anyways, from the info theyve given you, it sounds like he isnt cheating.


Explain what they meant to, "whenever he isnt there this other girl isnt there" thats a dumb logic for them to use. Whats it even mean? in school when he leaves a room she does? or what? did this girls sit there and put together a data table following the movements of everyother guy in the vicinity during the time this "girl wasnt there" i mean, either way, youre friends sound lame. The only sure fire way its cheating is if HIM and this chick are hanging out with ur lil friends without you, and he gets up and leaves and then she does 2 mins later, which would just make me question the intelligence of your bf, and I doubt its the case cuz if so they'd be able to tell you for SURE.


They see this "girl" give him notes? first of all, have they even given you a name of this chick? cuz if they were kinda stalking ur bf and this chick and watching who both leave at the same time, you'd think they'd atleast give you a name.


Did your friends see him at the dance? or just hear it from someone else? if the latter, stop being friends with these people, they are either trying to break up with ur bf or messing with you. If they DID see him at a dance with a girl, that is pretty definitive proof. But if they didnt see him and are going on heresay? call them on their BS, bring them together with the people who were at the dance and didnt see him, and then see who's the liar.

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