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My husband wants a threesome!

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he has suggested this to me a few times over the last 2 years. We have been married 3 years now. He wants another guy to have sex with us. i'm not sure. i know he had gay experience before we marry, but he promised me that is over. But this is now cropped up and he is very determined

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Don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with, and don't let him force you. If he can't deal with it, then maybe you need to rethink your relationship.

he has suggested this to me a few times over the last 2 years. We have been married 3 years now. He wants another guy to have sex with us. i'm not sure. i know he had gay experience before we marry, but he promised me that is over. But this is now cropped up and he is very determined
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I absolutly agree with Cleo. If this goes against you, dont do it. It never pays to do something sexual you dont like and dont feel comfortable with just for the sake of someone else. You will start to resent the one who forced you to commit an act against your own wishes.


On the other hand, if you personally have nothing against it and feel just unsure because its not the "done" thing, then it would be OK to do it.


If your husband loves you, he will be respecting your wishes. But he might still be having fantasies about it, as long as he does not force you into it - and I dont menan physicly - you on the other hand will have to respect his fantasies.


I think its very important to tell him how you really feel about it, not accusing him of "bad" fantasies, but stating your own feelings about threesomes. Search your heart and follow your own feelings.

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Okay, I'll be honest, I'm biased..I have pretty conservative views when it comes to things like threesomes...I don't agree with them, would never partake, would never remain WITH a guy who wanted one..but...


I know that a lot of men fantasize about threesomes where the 3rd party is another woman. But your hubby wants another MAN? And he's already had a gay experience in the past?


Sounds to me like he's wanting sex with a man, but doesn't want to bust up his marriage, so he'd like to do it within the confines of your marriage, so he's suggesting this threesome. Yuck.


Could he possibly already have a guy in mind? You should seroiusly consider getting yourself tested for HIV, Hepatitis C, sexually transmitted diseases. I say this becuz it's entirely possible that your husband is already screwing around with another man, who knows.


I don't know what to suggest to you. If it were me, I'd pack his bags and kick his ass out the door.



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