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how can you tell if its a real sign of cheating

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i have read all these posts about cheating and all these cliche's such as lipstick on the collar etc. With that particular case--how do you know if its really lipstick--if its smeared or looks like a lip stain? or if there is more than one mark of it? I have read other posts where they see it as a line and not a blob of it or whatever the case may be. Are these people denying the truth or is it good to give their significant other the benfit of the doubt if they are unsure?

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Honestly, that seems like a silly thing to look for. If you are seriously suspicious, do it right. Put secret voice recorders in the car, office, etc. Tap the phone if you have to / if you are -- like I was -- 99 percent sure, but just needed virtual evidence to confront. (I know, I know -- I tried to confront but was lied to, so before anyone scolds me for my spy tactics, don't botgher waste your time. I'd been completely screwed over and was willing to do anything to get the evidence I needed.) Check out all the obvious things -- the cell phone bill, the wallet, the underwear drawer, etc. Look for stuff hidden in the car. I laughed at people who told me this before, but later found out that my husband hid condoms in the wheel well of the spare tire.

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No Stress Lady

I assume you are talking about this thread - I really hope you're not the same original poster still going on about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!




If you're really concerned about your partner cheating get a PI or do as Chump suggests.


If you're only curious about how lipstick on the collar would look why not buy a shirt and some lipstick and practise :lmao:

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JMMMMM HOW COULD YOU RECREATE JUST TO ASK THE SAME QUESTIONS????? Your first post and you are fixating on the same issue? I mean seriously...read everything that everyone has written to you - it is good adivce.


JMMMM and Flower183 you are too young and immature for the relationship that you are in. You are 21 and he is 30. But the years don't matter...Please learn to love yourself and get some self respect and MOVE ON...let me refresh.......


...and let me remind you of a mere few:










I don't mean to sound harsh but this is ridiculous...

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I believe this is the same person as well. In which I responded right many times to the poster on the orginal thread. I do now believe it has fallen on def ears. It seems she is quite obessed with the whole situation. Its probably best to get out of the relationship and work on yourself before entering into another one. If you don't, I see you doing this with other relationships as well, its not healthy.







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I already told you what you should do. Call the TV show "Cheaters." Have your boyfriend followed. Either he'll end up being exposed as the cheater he really is or you'll be exposed as a psycho girlfriend for having him followed around. Either way it's great for TV ratings and it'll be some fun times.



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I already told you what you should do. Call the TV show "Cheaters." Have your boyfriend followed. Either he'll end up being exposed as the cheater he really is or you'll be exposed as a psycho girlfriend for having him followed around. Either way it's great for TV ratings and it'll be some fun times.




you rock MD

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you rock MD


Thanks. Just trying to do my part. I have to admit, I've been a little disappointed with the show "Cheaters" ever since Tommy Grand left. The cases are so boring now I hardly even watch it anymore. It really needs girls like flowr or whatever her name is to go absolutely psycho on it. That would make for some good old fashioned entertaining TV. :p



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Thanks. Just trying to do my part. I have to admit, I've been a little disappointed with the show "Cheaters" ever since Tommy Grand left. The cases are so boring now I hardly even watch it anymore. It really needs girls like flowr or whatever her name is to go absolutely psycho on it. That would make for some good old fashioned entertaining TV. :p



what should i do if i like someone alot but everyone is telling me he is only a cheater ?? i have faith in him though he told me that he will never cheat on me!!1

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