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my fiance asked me to marry him after a very hard winter. there was a lot of changes going on in both of our lives and we had some troubles but were still holding on. this summer i picked up my things and left because i didn;t think it could get any better. we made up after a month, i fell in love with him all over again and things have been great between us. our lives seem to be moving in the right direction, together. i know i want to be with him for the rest of my life and i know he loves me. i put my engagment ring back on and we want to get married. the thing is we are both students and don't have a lot of money. if i were to have a wedding i would want a beautiful wedding. my parents want a 7000$ limit on the costs and they want his parents to help( his parents have helped us out so much already, his father helped my fiance buying and restoring a jeep, and they plan to pay for his student loans, they help us with money at times, and i have heard that they are buyung us a peice of property for a wedding gift) i just feel like eloping with my fiance and have a big bash afterwards but many people have told me i will regret it in the future. my fiance doesn't have a problem. do you have any advice?

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I think you could have a nice, beautiful wedding for 7 grand. You don't have to have a huge huge wedding for it to be memorable. My sister got married in her best friends back yard under an arch of flowers, and to this day I think it was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to. Everyone was so close together and the reception was in the same place. WE had a blast. So, if you feel really bad about eloping, have a small ceremony with just close friends and family or something, and then you won't feel like you didn't get a real wedding.



my fiance asked me to marry him after a very hard winter. there was a lot of changes going on in both of our lives and we had some troubles but were still holding on. this summer i picked up my things and left because i didn;t think it could get any better. we made up after a month, i fell in love with him all over again and things have been great between us. our lives seem to be moving in the right direction, together. i know i want to be with him for the rest of my life and i know he loves me. i put my engagment ring back on and we want to get married. the thing is we are both students and don't have a lot of money. if i were to have a wedding i would want a beautiful wedding. my parents want a 7000$ limit on the costs and they want his parents to help( his parents have helped us out so much already, his father helped my fiance buying and restoring a jeep, and they plan to pay for his student loans, they help us with money at times, and i have heard that they are buyung us a peice of property for a wedding gift) i just feel like eloping with my fiance and have a big bash afterwards but many people have told me i will regret it in the future. my fiance doesn't have a problem. do you have any advice?
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You both sound like spoiled brats. His parents are giving you land, giving you this, giving you that, your parents will give $7000 for the wedding, etc. If you are adult enough to get married, you should be adult enough to get off your duffs and WORK for these things that you want/need in life...and if doing so is not feasible, due to the fact that your'e both students, then perhaps you should both wait til you're done school and working, THEN get married.


If you're both students and obviously not making a decent income (if any), how on earth do you think you're going to survive? Pay rent? Utilities? Gas? Groceries? Car insurance/repairs? Tenant Insurance? Toilet Paper? Birth control? ETC? Will his Mommy and Daddy bail you two out all the time?


If you can't even afford to pay for a good portion of the wedding, then you shouldn't be getting married, IMO.


Can I assume you're both young? What's the rush in getting married?


And how on earth do you know things are settled enough to get married? You'd broken up, have only been back together for a month and now you're all in LoveyDovey land? Do you realize the serious commitment marriage is?


Sorry, but you both need to grow up I think.



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