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Am I being stood up?

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Here's my background story: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t84203/


I haven't meet him for 2 weeks now. He canceled our meet up plans on weekdays because he said he had some bad days, stomach ache, had to meet his friends, etc. So i thought on weekend he would have time for me. So we planned to go out on Friday after work, he sound excited and ask me to go karaoke with my friends, he even called my friends to join us. But none of my friends available that day, I thought me and him would still go out together without the others to have dinner or something, but he called off everything and went to celebrate St.Patrick's day with his friends.


On Saturday he was totally hung over, but he said he still wanted to go ut with me later at night. But then again, he cancelled it cause he said he was too tired didnt want to go out somewhere too far and needed to save up his money until his next paycheck next week. So he said he only wanted to go play pool with a friend at a pool center near his house. But he promised to see me and will make it up to me on Sunday. I said I couldn't meet him on Sunday cause I have to go to church with my family. He said he would definitely love to join me and my parents to church, he said to me a couple of times before that he wanted to go to church. I didn't believe him, but he kept assured me that he will come to my house (he doesnt know where the church is) on Sunday and told me to tell my parents that he will join us to church. He said if he didn't come he couldn't see me again. And that was the last time I heard from him.


On that Saturday night my girlfriends asked me to join them to hang out at the same mall where the pool center located, so I called him again but he didnt answer, I texted him that we were on the same area but he didnt reply. I think I left 2 text messages and hundreds of miscalls on his cellphone.


On sunday morning I texted him again, I said: "If you're still interested please come to my house at 3, the service is at 4 o'clock". And he didn't show up, and haven't contacted me again until now.


He admited to his and my friends that he fell in love with me on our 1st date, and he officially asked me to become his gf on the 2nd date. I can understand if he feels we are moving too fast and he wants to slow things down, but he never said things like these to me. He doesnt seem emotionally (and time) available for me. I know that he needs a space and for the last 2 weeks I didn't contact him very often, he called me once a day.


Why is he doing this to me? Is he avoiding me? He seems like a nice guy, and I like him a lot. Should I forget about him? What should I do if he contact me? I don't feel like calling him now but what if I can't stand not to talk to him? I'm so sad and upset but why I can't cry. When i miss him I often write a text message to him on my cellphone but save it to draft only and not sending it, or I wrote him a letter but I tear it down. I desperately need to talk to him about this situation but I never get a chance, should I call/text him and tell him that wee need to talk? His birthday is next week, I dont know what to do.

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if i were a guy, and a girl left me hundreds of "miscalls" on my phone about going to church with her and her family, i would be freaked out too.


telling you "if i don't come, i can't see you anymore" is telling you that he is not planning on seeing you anymore, and this is how he is handling it.


sorry you're disappointed, but it sounds like he is being pretty clear about being uninterested and blowing you off.

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I left him some miscalls when I looked for him at the mal the night he played pool and me and my friends hang out at the same place. Not for asking him to go to church. I never invited him to go to church, my mom forced me to go to church and he knows that. He himself that insisted wanted to come with us. Going to church with my parents is a bad idea, he was the one who wanted it.

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he's playing games with your mind girl, leave it alone and him alone as well. he's just not that into you and your into him. if he likes you, he will make time for you, which is not doing.



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