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Is my gf overprotective

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Before we were dating I had made alot of friends who were girls. Now I have a girlfriend who I love alot and dont plan on breaking up with soon but shes so insecure right now. Neways its gotten to the point where I can feel tension start up when I talk to another girl around her. Or I can tell she watches me when I am talking to them. Not in a stalking way but like a worried gf sortof way I guess. People have told me that shes afraid of losing me and other say shes too protective. Would it be best to leave other girls alone or should I talk to her?

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Would it be best to leave other girls alone or should I talk to her?


i used to have the same problem with my bf. I don't know what it was but I would hate when he was talking to other girls. I know he would get tired of it cuz I would say something to him about it and I know it got really annoying to him. I had to realize that he had girl friends before i was in the picture.


You should talk to your gf and let her know that the girls are just friends and nothing more and explain she has nothing to worry about. I had some really good guy friends before i met my bf and the way us girls are, we tend to lose contact with our guy friends once we get a bf which in the end we realize was a really dumb thing.


what i am trying to say is dont lose your friends, guys or girls, when you get in a relationship because in the end its just a really pointless thing to do. but talk to your gf and let her know it does not go beyond friendship with the girls you are talking to. oh, and when she talks to her guy friends, dont make the mistake most bf's do and get mad at her about it. she can have guy friends just as well as you can have girl friends.

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