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First Time


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My girlfriend is a virgin and we are going to have sex for the first time. Before we can though, she wants to know how long she will bleed afterwards? Can anyone help me with this?

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Other than worrying about bleeding, are you both worried about an unwanted pregnancy? Did you know that there is no such thing as 100% effective birth control? What will you do if she accidentally gets pregnant? Do you make $35,000+ a year because even if you don't marry your girlfriend and raise the baby together, you're going to have to pay child support and all the costs of raising a baby..diapers, formula, crib, playpen, clothes, carseat, baby wipes, toys, etc etc. What about if your baby gets sick..do you have healthcare insurance? an HMO?


A lot of young girls who get pregnant won't have abortions, so you need to keep all this in mind......maybe I'm wrong to assume you're both young?



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My girlfriend is a virgin and we are going to have sex for the first time. Before we can though, she wants to know how long she will bleed afterwards? Can anyone help me with this?

Honey, keep you pants zipped up and her skirt on. There is alot more involved besides "hormones" when having relations.


You have your whole life ahead of you. You may or she may feel like there is real "love" but that is not having sex. Real love is honesty, responsibility, respect, and a BIG dose of life exeperience. Not romance, cause your friends are "doing it".

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Hey there


After the first time I had sex with my boyfriend I bled for I would say about three hours off and on. Also the next two times we had sex I also bled a bit. The main thing is make sure you have old sheets or whatever .....hope this helps...

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thank you to all who responded....my question did get answered. For those of you that are concerned, we have considered the ramifications of sexual intercourse.


We are not kids or teenagers....we are a christian couple that have been dating for a few years and are getting married in about 6 months. We have not had sex and will not have sex until we are married but we are discussing it and what some of the "side effects" (for lack of a better term) are.


Again, thank you all for your help in answering my question.

Hey there After the first time I had sex with my boyfriend I bled for I would say about three hours off and on. Also the next two times we had sex I also bled a bit. The main thing is make sure you have old sheets or whatever .....hope this helps...


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thank you to all who responded....my question did get answered. For those of you that are concerned, we have considered the ramifications of sexual intercourse. We are not kids or teenagers....we are a christian couple that have been dating for a few years and are getting married in about 6 months. We have not had sex and will not have sex until we are married but we are discussing it and what some of the "side effects" (for lack of a better term) are. Again, thank you all for your help in answering my question.

Sorry, from your name I thought you were a teen. I would also suggest, that you both "read up" on the subject. Normally the "first" time is not all that much fun, yes you both feel love for one another, but anticipation, fear, and being exhausted from your wedding..well it takes time, and be gentle on yourself and your bride, with comfort rather than fire works. All the best!

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