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Just fyi Women, and my own experience, no offense to men who are truthful and upfront.


I met a guy on-line dating personals, we were together for two months, during that time, he kept his ad on the dating service, and continued to go in and check. I never called him on this, thinking, well were not in a commited relationship, but hind sight tells me now that, if he were interested, he probably would not have been looking, on the morning or evening of the times we were "together" if you get my drift. So gals, beware, hearts are precious,so is your time and your self respect. I blew him off on Wednesday after I got another "not sure", in light of the horror of Tuesday, and a response to a question I asked. I have posted before and thanks for the thoughts..which backed up my own. By the way, I posted another ad, and am still in the "game" but with a better understanding and education concerning on-line dating/relationships. Watch your backs, change your screen name, and personal, if your in a room where you can see the dates he has entered, just to find out if he keeps up with responses or going in to check out other ads.I don't know what this rooms policy is for naming sites, Cupi*d Junctio*n.com is where I placed the ad. Next time, I won't be so slow to make a comment if I still see ad being up and entered, he will know I don't like it, get it off or I'm out of here. I can't make him do anything, except say what I want, and act accordingly with what happens to my request. YA CAN'T CHANGE A GUY, actions speak louder than words..words are easy, behavior is not.

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I can totally relate to what you're saying/your experiences. To be honest, I've found that most of the men on the internet personals, they are schmucks. You'll meet them, end up talking on the phone, end up finding out you have a lot in common.....they'll lead you to believe that they're ONLY corresponding with you, that they're not (what I call) a 'career personal ad surfer'.....that they aren't interested in having 10 other women on the go.....then you find out they are full of sh*t.


Haha..I laughed when I read what you wrote about making up a fake profile and going there to see if they're still surfing. Been there, done that, will do it again. Yes, some of the places are good, in that it will show you the date that they were 'last online'.....


Maybe you're like me..when I meet someone on there who I feel I click with, I have NO desire to keep checking out other ads/talking with other guys. What for? I'm looking for ONE GOOD MAN....I don't need to keep playing the field, have no desire to. If I meet someone who's decent and we start to date, I don't even have the DESIRE to go back there and keep checking out more guys. What the hell for? But (sigh), it seems that a lot of guys aren't this way. I guess they are like little kids in a candy store........getting to know one woman isn't enough for them......they want to keep looking in case 'someone better is out there'...which I think is a crock of sh*t.


I met a guy last weekend...he responded to my ad. I'd pretty much given up on meeting a decent guy on these things, was about ready to pull my ad. He wrote, we seemed to have a lot in common...he lives here in the same city. We ended up talking on the phone that night for 4 hours. Really nice guy, we have tons in common. He then called me that Monday night and we chatted for an hour. He was anxious to meet in person but meeting for coffee during the evening last week wasn't good for me...but I had/have this weekend free. Well, he works til Saturday morning so Friday night was out of the question....and he told me he already had plans for Saturday night...so what the f*ck?


He did tell me that he'd keep in touch with me during the week, so that we could figure out when we could meet. Haven't heard from him yet. This pisses me off. My guess...he was still surfing and found someone 'else'.....which is fine and dandy..but it just leaves me with this attitude of, "why should I even bother talking on the phone with someone, spending my time sharing about myself..then they turn around and blow me off."


I sent him a brief email yesterday, mentioning that I hadn't heard from him all week..that I wasn't sure what to make of it.....and that if he somehow had changed his mind/was no longer interested, well..good luck in his search. The f*cker didn't even have the decency to write back.


He told me that he was NEW to these personals....that he knew the kind of person he was interested in meeting and his goal was to meet ONE person, then get off the ads...that he wasn't there to keep surfing them. Yeah, right.


I've also dated guys who refused to remove their ads from there, even after we'd been dating for a few weeks. Always made me think they were still looking, and didn't want to burn their bridges......geez, they could have temporarily suspended their ad/profile......but no, they wouldn't want to risk missing out on some supermodel who might write them LOL


Most of them are total losers....and if I could meet a decent guy the old fashioned way, I'd much prefer that, believe me.



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I can totally relate to what you're saying/your experiences. To be honest, I've found that most of the men on the internet personals, they are schmucks. You'll meet them, end up talking on the phone, end up finding out you have a lot in common.....they'll lead you to believe that they're ONLY corresponding with you, that they're not (what I call) a 'career personal ad surfer'.....that they aren't interested in having 10 other women on the go.....then you find out they are full of sh*t. Haha..I laughed when I read what you wrote about making up a fake profile and going there to see if they're still surfing. Been there, done that, will do it again. Yes, some of the places are good, in that it will show you the date that they were 'last online'..... Maybe you're like me..when I meet someone on there who I feel I click with, I have NO desire to keep checking out other ads/talking with other guys. What for? I'm looking for ONE GOOD MAN....I don't need to keep playing the field, have no desire to. If I meet someone who's decent and we start to date, I don't even have the DESIRE to go back there and keep checking out more guys. What the hell for? But (sigh), it seems that a lot of guys aren't this way. I guess they are like little kids in a candy store........getting to know one woman isn't enough for them......they want to keep looking in case 'someone better is out there'...which I think is a crock of sh*t.


I met a guy last weekend...he responded to my ad. I'd pretty much given up on meeting a decent guy on these things, was about ready to pull my ad. He wrote, we seemed to have a lot in common...he lives here in the same city. We ended up talking on the phone that night for 4 hours. Really nice guy, we have tons in common. He then called me that Monday night and we chatted for an hour. He was anxious to meet in person but meeting for coffee during the evening last week wasn't good for me...but I had/have this weekend free. Well, he works til Saturday morning so Friday night was out of the question....and he told me he already had plans for Saturday night...so what the f*ck?


He did tell me that he'd keep in touch with me during the week, so that we could figure out when we could meet. Haven't heard from him yet. This pisses me off. My guess...he was still surfing and found someone 'else'.....which is fine and dandy..but it just leaves me with this attitude of, "why should I even bother talking on the phone with someone, spending my time sharing about myself..then they turn around and blow me off." I sent him a brief email yesterday, mentioning that I hadn't heard from him all week..that I wasn't sure what to make of it.....and that if he somehow had changed his mind/was no longer interested, well..good luck in his search. The f*cker didn't even have the decency to write back.


He told me that he was NEW to these personals....that he knew the kind of person he was interested in meeting and his goal was to meet ONE person, then get off the ads...that he wasn't there to keep surfing them. Yeah, right. I've also dated guys who refused to remove their ads from there, even after we'd been dating for a few weeks. Always made me think they were still looking, and didn't want to burn their bridges......geez, they could have temporarily suspended their ad/profile......but no, they wouldn't want to risk missing out on some supermodel who might write them LOL Most of them are total losers....and if I could meet a decent guy the old fashioned way, I'd much prefer that, believe me. L

Well shame on me, cause I told him I wouldn't email him again, but just couldn't resist the temptation to let him know that I knew he left his ad on..so I responded with my new profile/ad...one of the things he wrote was that he didn't like "mean dogs" so I wrote to him and said "hummm wondering if you're a mean dog?" Haven't heard from him yet, but like I said in my letter to him, Thanks for the education!! Best of luck to you...

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