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I mostly send the messages, and she just replies, she never sends any new ones

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ok, heres how it goes, like always, theres this girl at my school, she sophomore, 15, me senior just turned 17 about 3 months ago, and i like her, ive only talked her once face to face for about 1 min because we walk in the same direction for 1 min and then split to go to our classes, although i have talked to her on myspace, but i mostly send the messages, and she just replies, she never sends any new ones, i just ask about how was ur day and simple simple stuff, and i really dont know what to do, :( i have absolutely no idea what to do, how can i talk to her more or something? any ideas, thoughts would help A LOT, please help me, i really really like her and dont want to give up :love:

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I noticed that the women on this website isn't helping you, it's because they know the truth and won't expose their women "powers"


I will expose their truth however.


Women prefer that you do all the initiating and all the work in the beginning.


First things first, stop talking to her. Do you want a friend to blabber or do you wanna feel up a girl. If you want the latter, then you better setup some dates.

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Lol supermonk!


Person A keeps sending messages to person B. There could be a million reasons why person B doesn't send messages back.


If person A is interested in person B - then TALK! It takes less than a minute to say "wanna grab a burger after school?" and you said you walk together for about a minute. Or say "I'd like to ask you out, can I call you?" that doesn't take long either.


The worst thing that could possibly happen is that she laughs and says no. It will be uncomfortable but it won't kill you and you'll know where you stand.

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To be honest and reveal my *woman super powers*, I have to say that on MySpace if someone I am not intersted in sends me mail ,I usually don't send any back. I get alot of mail ! That sounds mean but I try to send a hello back if I am interested or they are genuinely nice with a fun profile...


Not sure why she does not send any mail back . Are you sure she is really interested in you ? She is only 15 , maybe she has protective parents or is not allowed to see High School Seniors ?

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