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Was this too sudden ?

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On saturday I was hanging out in a local recreational center with a couple friends and my friend's gf introduced me to this girl. she was really shy but I suggested we take a stroll to starbucks and all agreed. I suggested that I'll buy her something and she couldn't decide. I waited to let her choose a mocha. I just chose something out of the random to not let her wait. We stepped outside for a table because inside was full. I pulled the chair for her and she sat. I made sure it was a 2 seater table so I could talk to her in private. We chatted alittle and I was being extra flirty, flattered on her looks, and complimented her hair. I only talked about her to keep her interested, and I think I did pretty well. We were going back to the recreational center and on the way, I said "your hands look cold, let me help" and reached to grab her hand. she reached out without hesitation. she grabbed my hand like she doesnt want to let it go. we walked all the way back to the recreational center with hands together. when we came back, and my friend created an awkward moment, and she and I chatted for a while again in private. she said that she must be back by 5:00 so I asked her for her e-mail, and she said she cant use in because her homestay does not have internet connection. I asked her for her number and she wrote it in my notebook for me. she warned me that her homestay parents might be cautious of strangers and we said our good byes to each other. (man I regret not offering to walk her home) my friend ran to me (she was out of sight) and said that the girl said that she liked me.


on tuesday I called her and she was the only one at the house. I said that I wanted to invite her to do some homework together in the library but she said that her homestay parents were not home and they'd freak on her if she left without notice. so I told her that I'll call her on saturday and she agreed. and that's my story. and I'm writing this story in the library which feels empty without her.


Do you guys think that she is really interested in moi?

whaddayah say the chances are?


thanks again

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i think she likes you but she is respectful of her parent's wishes. maybe you could ask her if it would be alright with her if you could go hang out at her house. this way her parents will sort of get to know you. you could do this for a while, until everyone is comfortable with the situation of you and her being more than friends. she sounds like a good girl...treat her nicely, okay?

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As the other posters say, it sounds like she likes you. Since she obviously cares about not disrespecting her parents, I suggest you make sure you do your best to ensure they are happy with the situation, as this is likely to make things far, far easier for the two of you.


If you meet again, perhaps walk her home and ask to meet them. Or as amaysngrace and Mary3 said, perhaps offer to go over there and meet them and study some. Once her parents are happy you're a respectful young man, they will probably ease up some!

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its quite obvious she likes you


your friend even said she said that she liked you


so stop worrying about that


the parent situation is tough, i've been there and its pretty brutal and intense to try to make friends with a g/f's parents when they are so protective. Basically just try to nice and w/e, dont try to impress them, just dont piss em off and respect their wishes.


in truth i would worry more about how to handle the parents of this girl then wondering if the girl likes you.

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