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Should I or Shouldn't I

Twixt & Between

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Twixt & Between

I am a transgender entering the last two years of the program. Start living as a female in three months. Should I inform people I wish to contact that I am male or female. I feel and believe I am female inside, but people are interested in packaging on outside. This situation has already resulted in near fatal beating. Please advise.

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Hi there...


What do you mean, the last two years of the program? Please explain "the program" to us :-) Are you planning on having the surgery?


Are you referring to people that you contact on an intimate/relationship-wise level? (or just people in general)


I'm sorry that you've had to suffer physical abuse. Was it because you approached a man and hadn't told him up front that you were transgender?


Have you looked online to see if there are any online support groups for Transgender folks? I'm pretty sure there would be lots of them. That might be your best bet to find one of those......and get your advice from those who are actually in your shoes/have been in your shoes.....they'd know much better, I'd think. Try the search engine GOOGLE (click on it) and type in Transgender Support Forum or something to that effect........


I take it the program that you're part of, doesn't give much counselling/guidance as to these issues?


Laurynn :-)

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Twixt & Between

Gender reassignment programs run from three to five years duration. First year is primarily survey, interview, and counseling. Then eligible candidates, or candidates considered for surgery or given the direction to advance to the next level which requires a minimum of one year living as female with name change and dressing and acting in the new role. However in this society,there is minimal acceptance to this situation. People that know me are aware of my dilemma. I hesitate to involve them in all of my mundane problems, but through the net I have received mail that contacts are interested -but hesitate to mislead or lie to them about the gender issue. I have been able to skirt the issue so far but it is beoming more dificult as they begin suggesting that we meet. The abuse stemmed from an incident in which I thought I was in secure company, but resulted in severe injuries and trauma, which is why I,m terrified that the possibility exists today and am becoming more insecure in my surroundings-(typical female thinking?). Hope this is enlightening and helpful for any advice that individuals may have. Surgery is scheduled for October of 2003.

Hi there... What do you mean, the last two years of the program? Please explain "the program" to us :-) Are you planning on having the surgery?


Are you referring to people that you contact on an intimate/relationship-wise level? (or just people in general) I'm sorry that you've had to suffer physical abuse. Was it because you approached a man and hadn't told him up front that you were transgender?


Have you looked online to see if there are any online support groups for Transgender folks? I'm pretty sure there would be lots of them. That might be your best bet to find one of those......and get your advice from those who are actually in your shoes/have been in your shoes.....they'd know much better, I'd think. Try the search engine GOOGLE (click on it) and type in Transgender Support Forum or something to that effect........


I take it the program that you're part of, doesn't give much counselling/guidance as to these issues? Laurynn :-)

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