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Phone number mystery

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So here is my story. My bf went away for a weekend out of state for a sport he plays. He called me all night, every night, drunk, saying he loved me and missed me. so anyways. when he got back I found in his phone (i have previous posts about phone snooping) and found some strange numbers. Some were legit. Guys from the team, but there was one in there with an unfamiliar area code. I eventually discovered it was an area code for the state he was in. I called it and it went straight to this girls VM saying her name and that her phone is currently missing and left her house number. I ended up calling that and confronted her about how her number ended up in my bf's phone. I don't remember if the number was in the outgoing/incoming, but she could not remember who he was. She said she was out wtih her friends for one of their 21st b-days and she remembered using some guys phone to call her friends while at this bar they were at, so if there was a number in there similar to hers, then it was my bf's phone she used, but there wasn't and how did her number get in there then if she lost her phone? I don't know if one of the other teammate guys met up with her and tried calling her from my bf's phone or what because my bf said a lot of the guys cell phones didn't work down there, so a lot of them had to use his. But anyways. My bf denied ever seeing the number in his phone. He didn't disagree with me that it was in there because it was obvious I couldn't have gotten the number elsewhere or dialed it by coincidence. He says he doesn't remember a girl using his phone or who she was. So WTF! well I ended up looking in his phone over this past weekend and he called it on the day I asked him about it while he was at work when this all went down. So he lied about seeing the number obviously. him calling the number doesn't bother me because I know he didn't talk to her and I know he didn't call her house number to talk to her because that number wasn't in his phone, so I know I got to her first. I'm just confused as why he lied about seeing the number. I'm thinking he wanted to check for himself about who the number belonged to and just wanted to deny the whole thing because how would he explain it to me w/o it sounding bad? ya know? My bf is the kind of guy who would rather deny something, even when its harmless, to avoid a fight. So anyways. i don't want to ask him about it because then he'll know I looked in his phone. We've been doing good now and I haven't seen him try to call the number again. Another thing I saw was him calling this girl he's had a number to for quite some time. He had the number before we started dating again. He's never called it since we've been together, but now it was there out of the blue. I don't know who she is to him. If she's someone he works with or just knows and wanted to say hi. I don't even know if she answered because his phone doesn't show how long his conversations are. But he only called her once(and he was at work when he called her; probably on his lunch) and it was in the middle of the afternoon(if that matters, I don't know). I'm thinking I won't bring it up unless it continues and something seems suspicious(phone calls he avoids answering while with me). I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. The mysterious number thing is now in the past. He'll deny whatever he wants to deny for whatever reason and the girl claims she doesn't even remember him. i had to describe what he looked like, give his name and tell her he doesn't live in her state. She thought it was someone who maybe went to school with her because she kept asking where he went. And I don't think her and my bf hooked up because my bf was calling me constantly throughout all hours during both nights when he was gone and plus the girl said she'd tell me if anything happened. Why lie when she lives out of state and would never see him again? It just seems a little odd. My gut, for the first time, is actually telling me to just let it go and see what happens. And then with this whole other girl thing where he called her out of the blue, I'm going to forget for now and see if it occurs more often. I don't want to tell him what I found because we're doing so good right now. It's just I asked him last night if he promised he didn't know where that number came from and he never tried calling it and he lied right to my face. He promised me he wasn't lying, but I knew he was. How do I get past the fact that he lied right to my face and I know it. How can I call him on it because now I feel he'll be able to do that with everything. He tells me I hold onto the past too long and need to let things go. that I need to just forget things, but how can I when things keep coming up to keep me constantly worried? I guess its not that big of a deal and the whole girl out of the blue thing isn't really either because it's only happened once and he could have a logical reason for calling her. But how do I get that reason without him knowing I know he called both of them?

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Okay, I think you really need to stop spying in your boyfriends phone constantly. If your relationship is doing so well right now, why are you bothering?


Also, why is it taboo to admit to looking in his phone the second time, when you already let it be known that you did it the first time? Maybe he just called the number to try to figure out who the girl was because of your interrogation.

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I was going to say what magda said but she beat me to it. And thats about how its possible he called the number himself to see who it was. It is possible he doesn't remember and that someone may have borrowed his phone. You did say he called you and he was drunk so yeah he might not remember exactly. I have a friend whose husband lets his friends borrow his phone if they need to for something. Unless its a number you see alot or called/received frequently, I would let it go.







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Okay, I think you really need to stop spying in your boyfriends phone constantly. If your relationship is doing so well right now, why are you bothering?



fed up,


if i recall correctly didnt you say you werent gonna snoop anymore in a thread you posted a while back? yeah.. thought so but any advice people gave you, you got defensive and tried to defend what you said about your boyfriend at first. if your relationship is so good then just like magda said, why are you bothering?


apparently its not going very good if you are still snooping, and your bf is denying and lying to you, plus calling the number back. what gives?? then him calling that number out of the blue, i bet if you asked him about that he would deny it also. it really doesnt matter what itme he called the number whether it was at work or noon or whatever, alot can be said in a little phone call.


but like i said, you need to stop snooping. you seem very insecure and i think you are insecure in your relationship. calling the numbers are uncalled for becuase it doesnt matter what your bf says you are gonna beleive him no matter what the case. theres no point going in his phone, specially becuase i have noticed from your last thread, you always go back on what you say.


i guess im trying to say stop snooping period, it does nothing for you.

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If one of my bf's friends girlfriend's looks at his phone this week, she will see my number in there several times, because my BF went out with them and forgot his phone. He called me three times.

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I would forget about it.


If its late at night and my contacts are fuzzy you should see the wrong numbers I've dialed.I just bought a phone that has really big numbers,just in case I can't find my reading glasses.

I hope you feel better.

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Paragraphs are your friend!:D


Oh my gosh, THANK YOU. What is up with the punctuation and spelling? I'm so anal about that and it KILLS me.

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