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What IS my problem???


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What's the problem? I see other people being happily in love. I swear though I have had many short relationships, none of them involved real love. I am tired and disapointed. I know I have most things that a guy would look for in a girl, and yet at the age of 26, love does not know me. Should I say enough is enough, no more seeking and make a decisision now to remain single forever to avoid falling into these short and meaningless relationships which always ends in disappointment?

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I don't think you should give up on love but I think it would be a good idea to quit giving a lot of attention to looking. Very often it's at a time when we aren't looking for love that it finds us.


Learn to be happy and contented with yourself, to enjoy your own company and love will become surprisingly abundant.

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Tony's right, to which I will add that if you've been looking for love in the wrong places you might want to consider what attracts you to unlikely prospects. I think we very often do things to trip ourselves up, to keep ourselves from achieving the very things we want most in life.

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I agree with Tony and Midori, you need to learn to find some peace with yourself.


Also, if you look at each of your relationships as something that brings you a little closer to your definition of love, you very well can't have lost anything in the process. It's all a process of maturity.

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I read Tony's response and would have to agree. Stop this "looking" idea. You do not find love, it finds you! Be really happy with yourself, stay busy with friends, family and interests. When you feel good about yourself and give yourself (through happy actions) it shines through like crazy. People can't help but notice. I'm sure that there is someone out there, maybe even now, that will notice you or has already noticed you. Ease up and enjoy! This may seem very simplistic. You need to realize that 26 is very young. I'm 34 and have been with my bf for a little over a year. He is my first serious relationship - EVER!! Others that I "dated" (I cringe to think I even considered some of these people boyfriends - yuck!) lasted just several months at a time. My friend met his wife when he was 29, he was ready to give up. You have three years to match his record and seven years to match mine. I'm willing to bet you will not make it to either of those marks! Keep your chin up kiddo - IT IS NOT YOU!!!!!! Make yourself the best that you can be - then you will draw to you what you truly deserve! What's the problem? I see other people being happily in love. I swear though I have had many short relationships, none of them involved real love. I am tired and disapointed. I know I have most things that a guy would look for in a girl, and yet at the age of 26, love does not know me. Should I say enough is enough, no more seeking and make a decisision now to remain single forever to avoid falling into these short and meaningless relationships which always ends in disappointment?
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