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I am a woman who is attracted to 10 men. I know some of them extremely well, and some of them hardly enough. But I cherish every one of them. Each man is unique and pretty in his own way. Is there a place for people like me?

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yeah it happens.....and sometimes....it happens to me too.....its normal i think.....well goodluck and save the best for last.... okay.....

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I am a woman who is attracted to 10 men. I know some of them extremely well, and some of them hardly enough. But I cherish every one of them. Each man is unique and pretty in his own way. Is there a place for people like me?



You can be attracted to as many men as you want. But can you get physically and emotionally attached to them as well? My gut feeling is "no".


Speaking for myself, I can only love one man at a time. I can find many men "attractive", but I am not able to develop feeling for them. I don't know why this is so.

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I am not sure what your question is.


Is there a 'place' for you? Yes, it's called 'The Single Life'


You can date as many people as you want. Let people know you are dating and don't want a heavy, serious relationship at this point in time and enjoy yourself.


If someone falls for you, tell them honestly that you are not in a position to make a committment.


Just be mindful of the fact that all ten people will probably not stay in your life forever. They will move on.

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Is there a place for people like me?




Being happily single and not in a committed relationship with anyone.


If you're happy like that, great. Then don't make or create a situation where anyone expects committment from you, and you should be fine.


If you're already married...then your answer remains the same. It would seem to me that the only right thing to do in that case is divorce and move on.

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I am a woman who is attracted to 10 men. I know some of them extremely well, and some of them hardly enough. But I cherish every one of them. Each man is unique and pretty in his own way. Is there a place for people like me?


Everybody is attracted to lot's of different people. How you CHOOSE to deal with those attractions (particularly if you are in a relationship) is what defines you. It's not wrong to be attracted to these men but if you are involved sexually with all of them then I suggest you seek some counselling.

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